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But I noticed someone who I didn't expect there _______


It was seojoon

He was sitting in an old bench of rooftop.

Sunlight was falling on his face , making him feel like a person who came from heaven
How can someone be this perfect
Total example of perfection-

Wait, what the heck yn! Ugh!

Yn= Hey! Watcha doing here

I said by sitting on the other side of the bench

He was startled

SJ=Nothing just sitting here , eating and enjoying the view
How did you get here

Yn= Well I have same question

SJ+Yn= By the secret tunnel

We looked at each other and giggled

SJ= Well what are you doing here

Yn= I was peacefully eating but that Cho-hee ruined it so I came here

SJ= Oh that's why you are wearing another outfit

Yn= Huh? You noticed that

I asked raising an eye brow

SJ= I-its ,you are in my class, how can't I notice it

Yn= But today we were not having same classes upto now

SJ= Can you stop asking questions like a police

He spoke and start to eat his sandwich

I chucked and started to eat my granola bar

We were eating in a silence

It was not an awkard silence

Not a Unpleasant silence


We both finished eating, now we were just looking the ; roof rails, bench and other old things except each other .

Yn= It's almost time for next class, let's go?

SJ=Yah let's go we have the same class

Yn= Wait how you knew, we have same class

I saw him getting irritated, I laughed inside, idk I just love making him mad

SJ= I already told you not to ask a lot of questions

He said that and went

Yn= Wait I am coming

I shouted

Seojoon POV
"Maybe you are not that bad after all"

Then we went to our lockers ,surprisingly his locker was near mine, we were taking our books. I saw bangpink, txt and roya taking books. Lisa unnie saw me and was coming to me

When a high pitched voice spoke

???1= DAD! She is the one who insulted me and bullied me

???2 = WHO THE HEL-

I turned around and saw cho-hee with the principal

Principal's eyes widened when he saw me .
He immediately bowed to me

√ "AVENGE"STEP SIBLINGS ( MAFIA×AGENT AU) FT•TXT, BP, BTS, SKZ Where stories live. Discover now