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"I will find you and end you "
That was the only thing came in my mind


But before that I have to finish that case which I accepted , because of my stupid guts


You are really stupid, you came to SKIAC to take Bulguja case not some other stupid case.

??? = All things are done yn, remaining our workers will do tomorrow, you can go home

It was one of my worker
Well when there is nothing serious everyone call me by my name and I am happy about that, ' mam ' is too formal and I hate it!

Yn= Oh k thanks, then I will get going
* little cold *

I then took my bike and went to the kims mansion. After reaching I parked my bike went inside the house. I went to my room , took a cold shower change into something comfortable and drifted to dreamland.


I Woke up hearing my alaram, it was 4
I changed into my workout outfit, then I went out of the mansion with the main guard's permission.

I went to the near gym and started working out

After finishing I went back to the house, gladly no one was awake, I went to my room , took a quick shower and changed into this

TimeskipAfter finishing I went back to the house, gladly no one was awake, I went to my room , took a quick shower and changed into this

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I went downstairs, some maids were cooking , I just took an apple and made a sandwich for myself

Maid6= Ms Yn we are making breakfast, it will be in half hour you can eat tha-

Yn= It's ok I am good with this, and if anyone ask about me tell them I went to school early

Maid6= But-

Yn= No buts and please call me Yn , bye

I went out took my bike and went to a park
It was so calm ~

I took my sandwich and started to eat


My smart watch alerted.

It was my medicine for depression, I take it every 3 days in a week.
I wish depression just went away like fever. In L.A I went for therapy in a year, everything was going smoothly until I landed in korea. I started to feel unwanted emotions

" Or are they unwanted ? "

Without over thinking, I took medicine from my bag and gulped it down with help of water

√ "AVENGE"STEP SIBLINGS ( MAFIA×AGENT AU) FT•TXT, BP, BTS, SKZ Where stories live. Discover now