♠︎AX {17}♠︎

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Yn= ___________? * whisper*


Yn= Song Kang? * whisper*

AX or S.K= You know me!!!? , well not that surprised cause ofcourse I am a social butterfly * wink*

Yn= Dramatic a**

AX= That's familiar

I internally sighed

AX= So let me introduce myself, My name is Song Kang, My father investigated the case bulguja and....

He become silent

Yn= You don't have to repeat it

AX= Yup and mom..... She suicided after hearing the news about dad L-leaving me all alone .

Well I am not making this sad , Then SKIAC people took care of me and trained me, now here I am one of the best agent, AGENT AX * wink*

Yn= Hm
Song Kang...

AX= Yes?

Yn= You see, I have some trust issues, it may take some time but I will surely reveal who I am

AX= Ofc course!
So have you read the bulguja case files?

Yn= Nope have to...

AX= Well I did, almost 6 months ago
* scratching his heck *
no one know hehe!

Yn= Oh... You read the whole thing?

AX= Yup lemme tell you everything in small but detailed.
5 Agents Investigated this case
• Daesung , • Seungri , • Bong-am, • Song bin and • Lee jo
Song bin is my father, in the other 4 ,one person is your father right?

Yn= No, Dad

AX= Huh?

Yn= * sigh* Father is a person who is responsible for your birth, but dad is a person who give you love, care as a daughter.

AX= Oh aren't you and your father in good terms?

Yn= He isn't in the world anymore

AX= O-oh I am sorry

Yn= Nope it's ok, it's me who made this small thing twisted
* done with herself*

AX=Aheh yah, anyway let's get back to the case
The order I told their names is the order of the agents investigated this case after each's death. None of the agents were alive after taking this case more than 6 months.

From starting ,the bulguja case was introduced to catch the mafia king
We government do repect mafias who protect innocent and kill the evil. Like currently Bulletproof, Shadow fighters .
These gangs are almost like polices but don't follow the rules though! They have their OWN LAWS . Protect Innocencents, punish Culprits and enjoy their life . Even SKIAC and LIAC ask for their help sometimes

And...coming back to LUCIFER, he did many illegal things like exporting harmfull dr*gs etc. Almost all illegal things were done by him.Then one day, A biggest agent of SKIAC went to capture him with army and SKIAC forces, but they were destroyed easily. The agent came back almost dead but the last sentences he told was, the leader was handicapped. As these people are also called as cripple,this case is named as
불구자 - bulguja , meaning - cripple

Then these agents started to work on that case.As I told everyone died between the case. They were To*tured to death. But the mysterious thing was Postmortem report was only founded as Heart attack or stroke. So that means at last he should have given something to make them die like that, a chemical or something

√ "AVENGE"STEP SIBLINGS ( MAFIA×AGENT AU) FT•TXT, BP, BTS, SKZ Where stories live. Discover now