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Yn= Uh.. I need to take this call, I will be back *smile*


I went to a place where not a lot of poeple are there and took the call

Yn= Yeah?

SK=I am sorry if I am disturbing but Agent Nightlight just informed me that for the machine mission, YU, Beo,Yun, Hue , Soob and In yeop will be the ones who is helping us. So they will be coming at 1am

Yn= Hm okay good

Midnight ( YN) = Do I really need to wear this itchy thing?

What happened? Lemme tell you! The next day morning 1am we all met up and discussed everything. We also send a mail to them telling that 'SKAIC want these machines ' soon they accepted. Now it is currently 10am on the weekend. We are disguising as different people and they told me to wear a wig which was really itchy

YU(Yeonjun) = Just bear it

I groaned.

YU= Everyone ready?

We hummed

YU= Okay so let me tell the plan once more. Yun and beo is gonna sneak in and wait until it's their time. While Midnight is gonna go as a representative for SKIAC to buy these things.Agent Midnight first they will take you to show other things where soob will be there if something goes wrong. Then you ( YN) will be taken to the places where the AD machines ( Alternative and Direct current mixing machines) are kept. Midnight you will be buying 2 of those machines. After that a person will lead you to the office to sign some papers related to it. Before you reach there, Hue will somehow distract the officer and take him to somewhere. Remember hue is acting as one day worker

Well one day worker is another unique thing in that company. There will be one day workers means...Your job won't be there in the company or in an exact department for a week or month, just only for one day. Then either the person will be quitting or they will be given another job in another department on the next /another day .

Yn= And remaining I will go there, while the person who was with me will go to search for the main officer. In yeop will be working as a one day cleaner in the main officer's room. In the mean time the hackers should get in to cctv system room and hack it. Then me and In yeop will started to search for the files. While AX who got job as the one day assistant of the main officer wilk distract if someone is coming there.And about YU he will be looking at everything in a car near the company.After the job if it went cleanly Hue, In yeop, AX ,soob will come back here after the one-day work . YU, Yun and Beo will go back in the car while I will go back with one of SKIAC's driver.

YU= Okay so now Midnight is gonna go to 2 other companies so the ×××× company won't get any doubts, Me, Beo and Yun will come there at 4 pm. Midnight you should reach there at 5pm

We all hummed.

I went to other companies.

It was 5 Pm, here I am standing in a suit, mask, wig and orange lenses ( for the fake id) . We all got different names

My fake name is Somi

I reached the company with one of the SKIAC's drivers, I told her to wait until I finish the business while she nodded. I went near the company receptionist who was at the front.

Yn= Somi, Agent Somi from SKIAC

I showed my fake ID which Agent Giselle helped me to create.

√ "AVENGE"STEP SIBLINGS ( MAFIA×AGENT AU) FT•TXT, BP, BTS, SKZ Where stories live. Discover now