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I went on my knees, Suddenly my thumb twitched and felt like someone was hugging me. Am I hallucinating? I have gone mad too? I chuckled and slowly opened eyes and saw


I was startled to see the neighbour man here hugging me.

Yn= I-i

He separated the hug and said.

??? = I know you are startled.....Honestly I felt like coming here today and found you here crying

I kept silent

??? = You didn't forget me do you

Yn= N-no how would I forget the person who helped me the most in my worst state *smile* Well I really forgot your name-

??? = I never said my name

Yn= O Oh , So...

??? = Call me Albert, no need of honorifcs

Yn= Albert? Oh okay............it's not a korean name-

Albert = It's not, I changed my name to this

I hummed

Yn= Just curious, You still don't live there right?

Albert= I-

Before he could reply my phone rang, it was song, I went a little far away and accepted the call, I didn't notice that he was video calling me

OTC ( On the Call)
Yn= Oh, It's a video call

SK= Wait are you crying? Oh my- yn where are you!? I am now really worried for you

Yn= Nope and I am good-

Suddenly my thumb twitched

??? = Song kang?

It was Albert, He was so close to me and looking at song kang in the phone, I felt uncomfortable so I moved a little. Song kang was shocked to see Albert.

SK= A-albert? H-how?

Albert= Oh me and your friend here have  a ' good ' past.

It felt like he was being sarcastic but song didnt seems to catch it and When I looked into his eyes they were blank,no emotion.

SK= Oh a past like you have with me? That's really good of you

I was confused

SK= Oh yn I'm sure you are confused , I will explain later , Now come back , we have school today

Yn= Oh yeah

I hung up.

Yn= Uh so I will get going *tight smile*

Albert= Okay before that you are doing good right? My friends had visited your mother's Marriage-

Yn= Huh? They did ?

Albert= Oh yeah, We have some connections with the Kim family
*fake smile*

Yn= That- That's nice *tight smile* So have great day, Let's go outside lemme close the gate

He hummed, I gave a last glance at my parent's tomb and went outside with Albert. I closed the gate and sat in my bike, I didn't see any other vehicle rather than my bike

Yn= Oh how you came here by?

Albert= I walked *sarcastic smile* It's not a big deal

Yn= Oh- oh okay see ya

√ "AVENGE"STEP SIBLINGS ( MAFIA×AGENT AU) FT•TXT, BP, BTS, SKZ Where stories live. Discover now