♠︎SING PLEASE?{28}♠︎

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I kept the paper down. And took a deep breath , my hands were kinda shivering.
I wish I never had this phobia-

??? = Are you okay midnight?


It was agent Karina

Yn = Yeah I am good

The suddenly 2 people came in . It was LS and Song but he looks like .................. He went through a volcano?

LS= It's diffused

Yn = What.....Happened to AX ?

RS = Her driving skills I guess!

I look at LS she just shrugged

AX = Y-you *breath* say t-that *cough* d-driving s-kills *sneeze*

Yn= You caught cold or what?

AX = N-never mind *cough* n' one cn' u-understand *breath* my c-c-condition

I internally chuckled

LS= *sigh* Just drink some water

She passed a glass of water which um... Came..... From...... Sky.....Fine....From author's brain +_+

( An : Hey-)

SK = T-thanks it helped

Jen= So I guess this is it for now?

Giselle= Found it! 290 volts was the last current passed through

Ningning = And it seems like they used the currents to kill them , as human may die if it's between than 100-150 . But we agents train for that... So I guess this late agent died because of 290 volts .

Giselle= It had direct and alternative current , means they used some kind of machine which can mix these 2currents .

Yn = ................And the only company which sells that type of machine is ×××× company.

SK= Which is rare to find , mainly mafia deals with them.... Sometimes intelligence workers

RS = And we don't have any control over it .

Yn= Can't you hack the information

Jen = Well, me, yun and August D can but they are actually on our good terms. We don't wanna make unnecessary enemies

SK= What about asking them to get information

LS = That's where they are unique, they never betray their customers , none of them

SK = Even if it was information 'bout Hitler?

Yn = *sigh* Think which century you are living

SK = I was just questioning about their loyalty-

Jen = Even if it's Hitler!......Ok?

Song kang hummed
Then I remembered the 4 people who were standing there awkwardly thinking what to do

Yn = And I think Agent Giselle, Karina, Winter and Ningnings' job is done right

RS = Hm but before going *walks towards them* we wanna tell one thing. The ally thing won't go out okay?

She asked with a little scary voice.
Upto now we only talked in cold voices.

They kinds shivered but regained their postion,then Nodded and went back to their work

√ "AVENGE"STEP SIBLINGS ( MAFIA×AGENT AU) FT•TXT, BP, BTS, SKZ Where stories live. Discover now