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Yn/SJ = Agent Nightlight you need to understand, I won't do this anymore-

We looked at each other and glared

Ag.NG= *nervous chuckles* Agent Midnight and In Yeop This is the last mission you both have to do together.After this Midnight will be doing missions from LIAC And In Yeop, you will be doing missions of your gang only. So please~

Yn/SJ= Fine this is the last

We looked at each other

Yn/SJ= Stop copying me!

???= Agent Midnight and In Yeop, I got the informations, You can check it

It was agent Karina who came in.Seojoon took the papers.

In Yeop= Well we will get going for now *cold*

Yn= Yeah , have a great day *cold*

We said that and left


Ag.NG= The duality Kills me

Ag. Karina= *chuckles*


I was enjoying my hot coffee also the view.We were in a small trip. A family trip. Roya was hanging out with Eunwoo, Eunji and Song Kang. I don't know why, but she tries her best to get away from us. Everything was going good then why she have to do that.I internally sighed. I will talk to her after this

And Sadly after getting off from hospital I only got veggies to eat for a month *Internally cries*

For the tour we are currently in the middle of a forest

For the tour we are currently in the middle of a forest

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??? = Woof woof

I saw our black-and-tan Pomeranian dog which we bought home some weeks ago.

Yn= Awww Tannie come here

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Yn= Awww Tannie come here

I picked him up and started to pet him. His name is Yeontan but we often call him Tannie.

√ "AVENGE"STEP SIBLINGS ( MAFIA×AGENT AU) FT•TXT, BP, BTS, SKZ Where stories live. Discover now