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Mr Kim= I am really proud of you * genuine smile*

I was shook, no one ever told me that except my oppas and friends. It feels nice to hear that. Maybe the whole step family thing was not bad at all

Or is it?


Yn= Ah thanks

Mr Kim= I am also super surprised you are earning yourself at this young age

I forwarded him a small smile. A true one
What are you doing to me Mr Kim. Why do I feel comfortable and safe with you.

My thoughts were cut off when roya excused herself

Roya= Excuse me, I will go to the washroom and come back

Mr Kim= Sure dear, maids please lead her to the washroom

I can see roya being so jealous that ,now all attention was on me.

Mrs Lee was worried for HER, she also excused herself and went with roya

Now it was just me and kims, we ate in silence again Mr Kim broke it

Mr Kim= So yn, You both are going to same school/uni as My children right?

Yn= Hmm

Mr Kim= How are they in school/uni

When he asked that I looked up from my plate, All the Kim siblings were tensed even though they didn't showed it, I understood.

Anyway what am I gonna get if I tell the real truth about them, some hatings,its better to stay in middle let's just make up something

Yn= Well as I am new I didn't knew a lot about them,I just heard from people they are rich , handsome and beautiful, so they have a lot of Fangirls and Fanboys

Mr Kim= Oh

Mr Kim nodded while others sighed in relief

Suga= Yn, I heard you was in L.A for past 6 years why we're you there?

How he knew, maybe Mr Kim or Mrs Lee told

Just make up a lie

Yn= Well its-

??? = Oh it's nothing dear, she wanted to do her studies in L.A after my late husband's death so she went there

I just scoffed in my mind thinking, what a lie she made.








Like that the whole dinner went eventually everyone started to get comfortable around ,started to laugh and talk except me. How happy family are they now, I don't think I am in need here.

After dinner we sat on the living hall again. Then i saw Mr Kim and Mrs Lee holding each other's hands and waking up

I knew what was coming next

Mrs Lee= Well children you all know, we have been dating for a long time

Mr Kim= So we thought to get married, we are getting married in 2 weeks

√ "AVENGE"STEP SIBLINGS ( MAFIA×AGENT AU) FT•TXT, BP, BTS, SKZ Where stories live. Discover now