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SK = Yn there is a problem


Yn= Huh? What's it?

SK = I didn't study for tomorrow's physics exam *dramatic voices*


SK= You don't heckin know that teacher, she will give us 2 hour detention

Yn= Who cares

SK= I still wonder, DON'T YOU WANNA STUDY!?

Yn= Calm your nerves down dude! Just a small test is right ? We'll talk about it later. Good night and.... DON'T. YOU. DARE. DISTURB. MY. SLEEP

SK= So you love your sleep than me ?

Yn = Is that even a question? Now 2nd time good night


Aish Now I seriously wonder how I got this dramatic human as my best friend.

Soon I was gonna sleep when

??? = You forgot your medicine it's time to drink medicine

That heckin smart watch alerted


I woke up early as always , did my morning routine and wore this

TIMESKIP NEXT MORNINGI woke up early as always , did my morning routine and wore this

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Then my phone rang it was Dahyun unnie! Huh? Why is she calling me now

Yn = Yeah unnie?

Dahyun = Yn after school can you come to the company?

Yn= Is it something important?

Dahyun= Will I call you if it isn't important *done tone*

Yn= Opps- Sorry sure! Love ya

I hung up the call
I went down stairs and started to read fan fiction while waiting for other to come down

??? = Morning Yn!

I looked up and saw Hye-Kyo

Yn = Oh morning Ms Song!

HK(Hye-Kyo) = Hey! I already told you not to call me that

Yn= Uheh sorry *sheepish smile*

HK= No problem, just call me aunty Or Hye, I wouldn't mind both

Yn = Okay *smile*

HK= Oh you are so cute *cooing*

She squished my cheeks. I just awkwardly smiled

HK= Anyways can you help me place the dishes . Well I actually made the breakfast so-

Yn= You made the breakfast ? *surprised*

√ "AVENGE"STEP SIBLINGS ( MAFIA×AGENT AU) FT•TXT, BP, BTS, SKZ Where stories live. Discover now