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( An : pArtY pARtY yeAH)


It's been 3 weeks after that day More like 3 hectic weeks. Nothing much happened between me and my step siblings.Jhope , Soobin hyung and Rosé unnie surprised kai hyung with new drums ,and gosh! the moment was so heartwarming.

Roya changed into a normal human not hating me nor loving me a lot. She is in her own world.

I did a lot of company works these days. And there were exam these weeks so the case haven't moved a lot.

Did I miss something? Yeah I did. Seojoon have been a tumor in my brain.

Almost  his every sentence will be related to harry Potter or it will be "cheesy lines", I am really done with it but somewhere I am enjoying- no what me ? Enjoying? Nope Hell nah

Currently I am sitting in the rooftop alone. Then suddenly I got a call from Agent nightlight.

Ah the exams just finished and why he had to call me . It's really hard to live 3 lives as Yn, Agent midnight and CEO yona. I sighed and took the phone

Yn = Yeah?

Ag.NG= It's emergency Midnight,the hostagers Agent Chaeryeong, Chen and Suho Also............You know (were killed)

Yn = WHAT! *sigh* We ( SK+YN ) will come to SKIAC this evening or night

Ag.NG = Hm we will be waiting. After a small meeting we can call the 'bulletproof' also

Yn = Ok get it bye

Yn = Unnie ~ Hyungs ~

Suga = Guess what?

Yn = What? *confused*

Suga = Appa and Mrs Kim is coming home!

Yn= That's........ Um nice..... Yeah amazing
Well when are they coming?

Jennie = Plane will be landing at 5 , maybe they will reach at 5:30 *excited*

Yn= Cool!Soo....actually....After that I really want to go to one of my friend's house-

Kai= Yn, after a long time it's the first dinner together tonight, you gonna miss that just for your friend's-

Yn= Hyung it's really important!!just today...... Maybe I will stay there also. But trust me I will only go after they came

Jin= *sigh* Let her go Kai, if it's important, afterall we can't involve in this matter

I didn't knew why but it hurted me, when he told that. I guess my hope hyung saw it cause he changed the topic.These 3 weeks what I understood was he is the sunshine of the family. He can cheer anyone up anytime...but according to Lisa unnie I heard that when he is angry he is the angriest person.

We were waiting for Mr and Mrs Kim to come. Soon the door opened revealing them . Roya ran to them and hugged both of them

Roya = I missed you guys so much

Mr kim= We missed you all too dear

Mr and Mrs Kim came and started to hug everyone. Lastly it was me, Mrs Kim smiled and hugged me but I could see the nervousness and fakeness in that so called 'beautiful smile'.

Then Mr Kim came and hugged.. I don't know how to explain it. But I felt safe in his arms. Safe from everything. For a moment I felt like living a normal life . No worries about lucifer, no worries about company things...... I felt like freezing in this moment forever. Soon I felt the warmth fade away. First thing I saw was Mr Kim's smiling face

√ "AVENGE"STEP SIBLINGS ( MAFIA×AGENT AU) FT•TXT, BP, BTS, SKZ Where stories live. Discover now