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Yn= Well when are you gonna propose her-

??? = Propose who?


It was Eunwoo

Wait so was it just my thinking that i only knew this place to rooftop

Yn= You better take permission from your lover girl's brother before he break you into bones . *murmur*

I warned song kang while he visibily gulped

SK= Hey my brother *nervous*

He went to eunwoo and hugged while eunwoo looked at him weirdly

Eunwoo= Don't 'brother' me, so what's it hyung?

SK= You know I am nice, beautiful, handsome, charming, sweet, pretty, Cute, Sassy, Hot, Softie-

Seojoon= You are going overboard hyung
*done face*

SK= Was I? *nervous chuckles* So...........I was telling that..Um...I love your sister

There was a silence ,Not at all comfortable one

Yn= Just talk something humans!!

Eunwoo= Shut up Alien lemme process everything.

He was totally Eunwooshook
wait- He called me an alien

Yn= YAHH How can you call me-

Eunwoo= Okay but you have to prove me that you deserve her and if you hurt her *death glare* you won't be alive

SK= Of course no one should be alive if they hurt a princess like her

Yn= Smooth~ *smirk*

Eunwoo= Okay so we are good! *smile*

Seojoon= So tell me when you are proposing her?

SK= Today evening at the playground! But I am worried what if she only see me as a friend and ONLY Want me to be her friend-

Eunwoo= Hyung i know her, I am sure she is head over heels for you as well as you

Song kang blushed

Seojoon=Damn Hyung are you blushing!!! Holy moly harry Potter!

Yn= Never leave harry Potter
*rolles eyes*

Seojoon= Hey it's the second thing I love the most after you *wink*

Yn= Cringe

Eunwoo= *cough cough* We are still here, you guys can flirt later

Seojoon= *pout* So Eunwoo you are the only person who is single here without any girlfriend/boyfriend or any crush.

Eunwoo seems tensed

Yn= You are dating someone are you?

Eunwoo= W-what who told that


Yn= It's okay tell us when you are comfortable *smile* See you later

I went back to my next class.

Four people where making chaos in a bush! Bush? Yes bush.

Eunwoo= Guys keep quiet, Eunji may come now

IU= *sigh* Can't we just go and stand behind that wall why the bushes

Seojoon= Yeah I hate this *whining*

√ "AVENGE"STEP SIBLINGS ( MAFIA×AGENT AU) FT•TXT, BP, BTS, SKZ Where stories live. Discover now