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As soon as the door shut behind me, I felt tears spring to my eyes. I knew I had to calm down. I had to talk to Calum and Michael and to lie to them convincingly I couldn't cry or think of Ashton.

My vision was going blurry as my eyes began to fill with tears. I blinked them back and tried my best not to let them fall.

Once I stepped out of Ashton's building, I got into a cab and gave him the directions to the hotel. I once again felt tears in my eyes but this time I didn't stop them. I let them fall.

I knew the taxi driver probably thought I was insane. Or maybe he didn't care. Maybe he'd already seen tons of people cry in the backseat of his cab. I was definitely not the first person to feel this way.

Although the way I was feeling was not one I understood well. I'd only ever had such strong feelings for someone once and they weren't even close to the way I felt about Ashton. I cared about him for so much and I'd only known him well for a month.

But staying with him wasn't an option. Although neither was coming out either. I couldn't do that. Maybe one day but not so soon. It was way too early.

Soon, the cab pulled up to the hotel. I thanked the driver, paid him, then climbed out of the vehicle and looked up at the building to prepare myself for the lecture I was probably going to get from Calum.

Michael I wasn't so worried about. He probably wouldn't care so much. Probably hardly even noticed the lack of my presence.

I walked into the hotel and when up the elevator. My heart began to race in my chest. I pulled out my wallet and grabbed the key to the door and pushed it open. Revealing a very angry looking Calum.

Before I could even say anything, he was yelling at me.

"Where the hell have you been Luke? You've been gone for over 24 hours! Without even a phone call? What the hell! Every chance you get since we've been in London you leave the damn hotel! You sneak off somewhere! Not even letting anyone know where you're going! What the hell have you been doing?"

I took a step back from him. His face was all red and the veins in his neck were tense.

"Why are you so worried about me? I'm here now."

"Because this is so unlike you. You never just sneak off." Calum had calmed down a bit. But he was still breathing heavily.

"It's a beautiful city. I wanted to explore."

"You could have gotten lost. Or mobbed. And with none of us knowing where you were, you may have gotten into a lot of trouble Luke."

"Well I didn't. I'm fine."

"Also explain this." Calum motioned to a paper sitting on the counter. I walked over to it discovered it was a newspaper. And it was open to a picture of me.

That had been taken from three days ago. I had been leaving Ashton's apartment early in the morning and I looked like shit. It had to be about 5 in the morning and I had to get back to the hotel before Calum or Michael woke up. Obviously they noticed.

"Why were you leaving that apartment building? Why were you even there to begin with?" Calum asked as I studied the picture.

I couldn't tell him what I'd actually be doing. So I lied.

"I was at a girls."

Calum turned to look at me and raised his eyebrows.


"Yeah." I nodded. "I'd been at a bar the night before. Got a little drunk. She took me home. No big deal."

"Luke this is everywhere. Not good for us. Bad publicity."

"It's a one time thing. It won't happen again. I swear."

Calum sighed. "Go pack. We leave in an hour."

I nodded and went to get my stuff together.

As I packed, I tried not to think of how long it would be until I saw Ashton again. Rather focusing on our night last night.

I never believed in love at first sight. I never believed you could fall in love with someone in only a month. But I was starting to doubt myself. I cared about Ashton so much. I wasn't ready to tell him I loved him yet. It was too early. I didn't even know if I did love him yet. But I cared for him. I needed him to stay. Which would be hard to do if I would be halfway across the world. But I needed to believe in him. To know that if he cared for me like I did him, he would stay. And I would too.


and here's the chapter.

I have nothing else to say so bye


Tonight is our Secret// A Lashton AUWhere stories live. Discover now