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I ran down the stairs when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it don't you dare answer I'll chop off your heads!" But the door was already open and Ashton was already inside shaking my mother's hand. "Oh. Hey Ashton."

He smiled. "Hey Luke. I don't think you should chop off your mother's head. She's far too nice."

"You say after 10 seconds of talking to her."

"Let the boy have his opinions dear." My mum winked then walked towards the kitchen. "Come on in Ashton. Meet the rest of the family."

I walked over to him.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." I kissed him. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. Your mum seems so sweet."

"No Ashton. I'm sorry." He looked at me then frowned

"Were you serious about that?"

"Completely." I told him. Them kissed him again before taking his hand and leading him into the house.

My dad, Calum, Michael, and my two brothers who my mum had invited, were all sitting at the table.

"Hey guys." I said once I walked in.

They all looked at me and then at Ashton. I hesitated, then I looked at Ashton too. He glanced at me and smiled which gave me the courage to keep going.

"This, is my boyfriend. Ashton" He smiled at them all.

"Hello." He waved.

"Ashton this is my dad, my brothers, Jack and Ben, and my two best friends, Michael and Calum."

There was a chorus of 'hello Ashton' before my dad kicked out a couple chairs.

"Well don't be shy. Sit down." Ashton looked at me before sitting down in a chair next to Michael. I sat on his right with my dad on my right.

"Hi Ashton it's nice to meet you." Michael shook Ashton's hand.

"Likewise." He said.

"You live in London right?" Calum asked.

"Yeah for 3 years." Ashton nodded.

"We've spent quite a bit of time in London." Michael said.

"Yeah I've noticed that." Ashton glanced at me and smiled. I grabbed his hand from under the table and smiled.

"Yeah I guess you have haven't you?" Michael laughed. "But seriously it's a great place. I love it there."

"Yeah. Me too." I said looking at Ashton. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Oh my god you guys are so in love." Calum said.

And before anyone could say anything else my mum set platters of food onto the table.

"Okay eat! I made too much!"

"Oh my god it looks amazing." Ashton said as he filled his plate.

"You know this it's the kind of breakfast you could have if you ever put food in your cupboards." I teased and nudged his knee with my own.

"Who has time for such trivial things?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"You do. You have all the time. All you do is watch Netflix."

"Hey I have a job!"


He grinned.

"Wow. So much love." Michael commented.

"Way more than what you have." I told him.

"Yeah at least when I watch Netflix I have an actual person to cuddle with not the box of pizza." Ashton said.

"Oh my god! Luke's boyfriend just burned you!" Calum said to Michael.

Everyone laughed.

"Oh please Ashton there's been times when you've chosen the pizza over me."

"Only because you were going to eat it all if I hadnt."

"Details." I waved him off.

Over the next hour we all talked and laughed. They loved Ashton and Ashton them.

Then it was time.

Calum had tweeted the night before that we would be doing a twitcam.

And 15 minutes later then when we were supposed to start, we were getting ready.

As Michael set it up, Calum sat beside me and Ashton behind the camera. We decided not to show him yet. Not right away. It was his decision.

I was shaking.

Calum noticed. "Hey man it'll be okay. No not everyone will accept you but the ones who don't you don't want in your life anyway. Your relationship consists of you and Ashton. And that's all that matters. Remember that okay?"

I nodded. "Thanks."

"Ready?" Michael asked.

I nodded again and then it started.

Michael and Calum spoke but I didn't listen. I paid attention to Ashton who sat on the chair behind the camera the whole time, watching me and smiling. Then I heard Calum speak.

"...and Luke has something really important to say."

Then I had to speak. But I didnt say anything at first. Just kept looking at Ashton. I loved him so much. He was my world. I wasn't going to screw up again.

"Luke?" Michael nudged me and then I looked at the camera.

I had a plan for what I was going to say. I had it written put and I read it over and over. But looking at Ashton add me forget. I forgot everything when I looked at him. All I knew was how much I loved him. And that's what the twitcam was about. That's all that mattered. So that's what I said.

"I'm in love with a boy named Ashton."  I paused. I'd said it. Then I looked at Ashton who was smiling even bigger and I continued. "I love him. So much. He makes me happy.  Happier than I've been I'm a long time. He's been my boyfriend for almost seven months and I love him."

Michael interjected. "And to all of you who can't accept that that's fine Luke doesn't need you in his life so you can leave it."

I didn't say anything else. I only looked at Ashton.

They ended it 15 minutes later and once they did I got up and immediately went over to Ashton and kissed him. Michael and Calum whistled but I ignored them. All that mattered was Ashton.

When I pulled away Ashton was breathless.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"Because I love you."

Because I loved him.

I love him.


Last chapter. Epilogue on Wednesday.

Tomorrow I'll be posting the prologue to a new fanfic that I've already finished writing. It's called Poisonous, it's Lashton and I'll be posting it every Tuesday. Please please please read it. It's by far my favourite thing I've ever written and I have written a lot in my life. It would mean so much if tomorrow you check it out.

Also I just want to let you know that right now I'm feeling pretty sad and it really sucks when you feel alone so if you're ever sad or angry please do not be afraid to DM me. I'm always up for a good chat and even if I have no idea who you are please know I will always be up to talk. I love you guys and never want you to feel like you're alone.

Love xxx,


P.S. On Wednesday there will probably be some super long sappy authors note at the end so prepare yourself for that

Tonight is our Secret// A Lashton AUWhere stories live. Discover now