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It was 5pm on a Friday.

Ashton would be almost home from his class.

And then we could begin to celebrate our fourth year together since I first asked him to be my boyfriend.

It was just over three years since I came out to both family and fans. A lot of people were really supportive but some weren't so much. Me and Ashton always ignored it. He did really well with the fans and now that everyone knew about us it was easier to deal with me being away more. Plus sometimes he joined us for some of the tour. Most of the fans adored Ashton. They loved meeting him just about as much as the rest of us. And he loved the fans who loved him. He also got along really well with Michael and Calum. They liked when he joined us on tour except for a few times when they walked in on us in bed together. And a couple times not even in bed. Things had slowed down considerably for the band. And we were all happy. It gave me more time with Ashton and the other two more time to relax.

Every single day that I'd been with Ashton since we got back together I told him both that I love him and that I'm sorry. He went with it. Sometimes he would tell me I didn't need to be sorry and sometimes he would just say 'I forgive you.' But I never forgot. I said it every day.

And I loved him. I loved him so much. I never let him forget either. And he never let me forget he loved me. He told me everyday too.

We bought a small, two bedroom apartment together three years after being together and around the same time applied at uni and was accepted with a full scholarship. He was in his second year.

And on the day of our fourth anniversary, I decorated the apartment. There were candles, soft music, flowers laid around. On the counter when you first walk in, I left a note.

Then on the table I left a bouquet of white roses. With another note.

And from there I left a small trail leading to our bedroom door which was closed. There was a note taped to the outside and I would be inside when he came in.

I was waiting for him in the room when I heard the front door open and him call out.

"Luke? I'm home!" There was a silence and I assumed he found the first note which read:


The day I won you back I told you I would say sorry until I die and even beyond that. I've kept my promise so far.

I heard his footsteps then they stopped again. The second note read:

But then I started to think, how could I keep the promise of every day for the rest of our lives if I wasn't with you everyday?

And finally I heard him right outside the door. Where the third note was,

So my love, why don't we make sure I can keep my promise by making sure you will be by my side every day for the rest of our lives?

Then a moment later, he was opening the door. He held all three notes in his hand as well as the bouquet of roses. And then he saw me. His eyes widened and he gasped.

"Ashton, my love, will you marry me?"

His eyes glazed over and he dropped everything in his hand then nodded quickly.

"Yes! Oh my god yes!"

Ashton stepped towards me and I stood up. He threw his arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around his waist. We held each other in a tight embrace for a while before I pulled away. I took his hand in mine and slid the ring onto his finger. He examined it before looking up at me and smiled. He was crying. But so was I.

And then he was kissing me and I him. He pulled back but kept his arms where they were, keeping me close. He buried his face into my neck.

"I love you so much Luke."

I pulled back and pressed my lips against his for a moment before looking at him.

"I love you too Ashton."



You guys. I'm actually crying right now. This was my baby and now it's just done and I'm so unable to cope with that.

I came up with this idea over a year ago and started writing it in September which means this is almost a year old and wow I am so what. Like it's done now and I don't even know how to deal with that.

Also I realize I don't have a lot of readers, however I always do love votes and comments, but every single one of you I love you guys and I am just so wow I don't even know what to say because I'm just so emotional about this being over. How do I cope with feelings?

But now that this is done I did post the prologue for my newest fanfic yesterday it's called Poisonous and it is, obviously, Lashton. Please do me a huge favour and go check it out it would mean the world to me. Also I would just like to comment that I think Poisonous will be an improvement over Tonight is our Secret because since I've started writing it I've improved a bit so please go check it out.

And also I would like to dedicate this chapter to my amazing best friend PurpleCampus because I love her and for the past nine months she has put up with me and had to listen to me go on and on about Tonight is our Secret and I love her for putting up with my BS because she doesn't have to but she does anyways and I don't know why. But I love you so much dude.

One last thing, I will be doing a bit of editing on this. No plot changes or anything to go check out just simple stuff because looking back at some earlier chapters my grammar was scary bad so that needs to be changed so probably either this week or beginning of next week I'll start working on that.

Once again thank you all so so so so so much I love you guys a ton!!

Love (with tears because this is so emotional),

Ash xxxxx

Tonight is our Secret// A Lashton AUWhere stories live. Discover now