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Of course all good things have to come to an end because at 10 Luke got a text from his band member, Michael Clifford.

I didn't mean to read what it said but it was right there and Luke thought I was asleep. I had been but when I opened my eyes his phone was right there and I couldn't help but read it.

From: Mikey

Dude where the hell are you?? You haven't been here all day

To: Mikey

Sorry I was just sight seeing. I'll be back right away.

"Ashton. Ash I have to go." Luke whispered. My head had somehow ended up in his lap and he was playing with my hair.

I groaned.

"Ash I have to go babe." He leaned his head down and lightly kissed my ear.

I shifted. It tickled.

"Comfy." I mumbled.

"I know I don't want to go but I have to. Tomorrows a really busy day for me and the band."

I groaned again. "Okay." I moved off his lap and sat up, rubbing my eyes.

Luke leaned over, giving me a light kiss on my lips. His mouth hovered over mine for a second before I closed the gap between us, giving him a quick soft kiss.

"I'll text you tomorrow okay?" He said as he got off the couch and put on his jacket.

I stayed on the couch and nodded. "Okay."

Luke smiled at me as he walked out of my apartment.

I yawned but got up and locked my apartment door, then headed to my bedroom. I decided I'd do the dishes tomorrow.

Once I got into my bedroom I took off my jeans and t-shirt then crawled into my bed, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


I couldn't remember the last time I'd slept so well.

I had gone to sleep at 10:30 and slept until noon. Which a lot of people would say is unhealthy but that's not their business.

As soon as I woke up, I checked my phone and saw I'd gotten a text from Luke at 6 am.

From: Luke

I know it's early and you're probably still asleep but I had to wake up really early so I thought I'd say good morning. So, good morning!

I laughed a little.

To: Luke

Good morning! I slept great last night:)

I had today off so I decided to put off getting out of bed for as long as possible.

Finally at one I was really hungry and had to pee. I got out of bed and used the washroom, then scoured my entire kitchen trying to see if I had any breakfast foods.

I didn't. So instead I made mac and cheese which was close enough.

While I ate my breakfast, or lunch, and watched TV, my phone vibrated and I realised I was getting a call from Luke.

I quickly picked up my phone and accepted the call.


"Hey Ash!"

"Hi Luke! What's up?"

"Me and the boys are getting lunch right now and I'm just waiting for them to sit down so I figured I'd give you a call."

I smiled. "I'm glad you did."

"Yeah. So what are you doing?"

"Watching Netflix. Eating food."

"The usual."

I laughed. "I have the day off so I figured this is what I would do."

"Wish I could join you." He mumbled.

Before I could say anything I heard someone talk in the background.

"Who are you talking to?" I recognised the voice as Calum's.

"Oh no one. Just a wrong number." This was Luke.

And then he was gone.

I felt myself slump back into the couch. It kind of hurt he didn't even say goodbye but I tried to understand.

But just a second later I got a text.

From: Luke

Sorry I hung up on you. I'll see you tomorrow alright?

To Luke:

It's fine I understand. And yeah. Definitely.

I set down my phone and picked up the remote finding something new to watch.

I knew I shouldn't complain. I really should just be grateful that of all people he wants to date me. But it was hard. I wanted a relationship where we both felt comfortable and open with each other and didn't care what everyone else thought but you can't always get everything. Sometimes you have to settle for less.

And I liked Luke. And in a relationship you have to make sacrifices. So that's what I was going to do. And hopefully he would too.

One day he would tell his band and his family. He couldn't keep everything a secret forever. Just for now.


This was very short and late. I apologise deeply. I'm sorry I was really sad last Wednesday and updating was not on my mind at all. Really very sorry.

Big news. I have a crush on a guy that goes to my school and he looks like fetus Luke and is therefore very cute and he was wearing grey sweats today and he looked really good. Also I walked beside him. Like, right beside.

So yeah. Lame cute crush on a boy that I've said all of 3 words to. But he's hella cute and according to my friends that kinda know him, really super sweet.

And I have all of next week off so more writing that I'll probably be able to do. Yay!

Anyways, stay rad. Love you guys.


Tonight is our Secret// A Lashton AUWhere stories live. Discover now