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6 months. 6.

Me and Ashton had been together for 6 months.

And those should have been the happiest 6 months for me. But it wasn't. Because it had been over 4 months since I'd last seen Ashton. We'd texted each other every day. Made regular phone calls, which was hard to do with time zones but we managed, and made a few Skype calls every once in a while. And it was great. But I missed him. I missed him so much.

I just wanted to hold him in my arms again. I wanted to kiss him. And fall asleep with him. I just wanted to be with him.

And thankfully, that would soon happen.

It was July and me, Michael, and Calum had a two week break. Obviously I would be going to London.

But after our break we had to go back to America for a while. And Ashton was going with me for a week. He was booked on the same flight as me but a different hotel in Miami. We would be together for 3 weeks and I was so excited. Especially considering while I would be in London, it would be during the weeks of our birthdays.

And I was so close. The plane was landing in London and I was so excited to get to Ashton's apartment. My whole body was shaking.

The plane finally landed and I finally got out of the plane only to be mobbed.

"Shit." I mumbled as I was swarmed by fans. I attempted to push through the crowds but they just became larger.

Guards and officers in the area finally came over and got everyone away from me. I thanked them and flagged down a taxi.

Ashton didn't know I would be there so soon. He was expecting me late at night but it was only 3 and I would be there any minute.

Before I stepped out of the cab I looked around the area to make sure no one would recognize me or was following me. When just saw everything looked fine I stepped out of the vehicle and looked up at Ashton's building. It had been 5 months since I'd been in there and I just wanted to be with him.

I walked inside his building and took the elevator up to his floor. My heart rate continued to build as I got closer to his place. Finally I was standing right in front of his door. I reached up a shaky hand and knocked three times.

And then the door opened. I saw the expression in Ashton's face change from boredom to complete shock when he realized realized I was standing there.

He opened his mouth to speak but before he could I pushed him inside, closed the door behind me, and pulled him into my arms. His arms were around my neck and I held onto him tighter than I ever had before. My face was buried in his neck and I felt tears from in my eyes.

"Oh my god i missed you so much." I mumbled into his neck.

"I missed you too. Oh my god what are you doing here already? I thought you weren't supposed to get back until 3 this morning!"

"I wanted to surprise you." I told him. Tears were streaming down my face as I held him close to me.

"Well I'm quite surprised."

We pulled away but I still held him in my arms.

"Luke. You're crying." His fsce softened.

"I just missed you. A lot."

"I missed you too." He smiled.


"Yes Luke?"

"I know the only thing I seem to do when we hang out is sleep but-" I started to talk.

"But you were just on a long plane ride and you're jet lagged. It's fine Luke we have 3 weeks together. You sleeping now isn't going to ruin anything."

I smiled. "Okay thanks."

"But hold on."

I turned back to face him and he wrapped his hands around my neck again then pressed his lips against mine. My lips moved against his in a slow and passionate kiss. he pulled away and smiled.

"There. It's been too long since we've done that and I couldn't wait any longer."

I kissed bis forehead and took his hand in mine then pulled him to the bedroom, leaving my suitcases near the door.

As soon as I got into his room I pulled off my jeans and baggy sweater and he did the same. I crawled into his bed and he laid down right beside me so he was looking at me and I at him. He took one of my hands in his and intertwined our fingers. I pulled him closer to me so his chest was right against mine and my chin was resting on his head. Our legs were tangled together and I felt bus warm breathe hit my bare skin.

"I have missed this so much." I whispered.

"Me too."

I kissed the top of his head and said, "Goodnight Ashton."

He sighed and nuzzled into me. "Goodnight Luke."

I was slowly falling asleep.

The last thought that came into my mind before I closed my eyes and fell asleep, was love.


I'm listening to Terrible Things by Mayday Parade and every time I listen to it I think of lashton for some strange reason which isn't actually strange at all I just have a horrible best friend

anyways this is approximately the time where shit will go down so enjoy

13 chapters

5 days of school

love you guys


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