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We stayed on his porch for another half hour before it started to get dark and we went inside. He held my hand as we walked inside the house. It was 9:30.

"Mum?" Ashton called when we opened the door.

"Yes?" She walked around the corner then eyed our hands.

"Mum can I talk to you?"

"Sure what's going on? Is everything okay?"

He looked up at me and smiled.

"Everything is great. But maybe let's go sit down because this is kind of a long story."

"Sure." She led us into the kitchen and sat down. "Can I get you guys anything to drink before you start?"

"No thank you." I said quietly.

"No thanks mum."

She nodded then sat down across from Ashton while I sat beside him holding his hand.

"Okay well how about I start with an introduction?" He said.

"Yes I think that would be nice." She smiled politely at me.

"Okay mum this is Luke, Luke this is my mum."

I shook her hand and she eyed me with a look on her face.

"He said your name is Luke?" She asked after shaking my hand.

"Yes ma'am." I nodded.

"Are you, Luke Hemmings?" She asked.

"Yes. I am." I nodded again and her eyes widened.

"Good you recognize him that will make this easier." Ashton said. "So how about I start from the beginning?"

She nodded.

"Okay," he started, "so I met Luke about a year and a half ago while I was at work. He came inside and I was the only one working and no one else was in the shop but the two of us. He told me he thought he was gay so I kissed him and he decided that yes, definitely gay. We didn't see each other for another year but when we did he asked me out and we'd been dating ever since. We didn't tell anyone. At all. Because Luke wasn't ready to come out to anyone yet which was understandable at first so we struggled to make time to see each other without getting caught. One day last week I was in Miami while he was there. We started to fight over not telling anyone. I'll leave out the details because you don't need to know them and I broke up with him then left, coming here. We were both heartbroken. He came to Sydney and we just spent the last couple hours talking and we have forgiven each other and now we're together and I love him very much."

I looked at him in shock. He'd manage to describe what I did in two hours, twice, in under five minutes with barely a breath in between sentences.

His mum was clearly in shock too. But she shook out of it quite quickly then looked at me.

"Luke." Her tone was serious and I could tell she didn't want any bullshit.


"Do you love my son?"

"More than anyone ma'am. I would go to the ends of the earth for him."

"And you are aware that you broke his heart right?"

"Oh yeah I'm aware and I will feel guilty about it every day until I die but like I told Ashton, I am going to apologize every day no matter how much he forgives me."

She smiled. "Luke?"


"Welcome to the family."

I smiled and Ashton did too. He squeezed my hand under neath the table.

"Thank you ma'am."

"And don't call me ma'am. It makes me feel old. Call me Anne Marie."

Ashton turned to me. "So are you feeling up for meeting my siblings? Remember that my sister loves you and she isn't shy about it."

"Well I've done it with large groups of girls. What's one girl by herself?"

"Well have you ever met any of those girls inside their own home?"

I thought about it then shook my head. "No but let's go anyways."

"Okay I'll go get them." He kissed my cheek before walking away.

I heard a little mumbling but couldn't catch exact words.

Then I heard them walking down the hall and just before they turned the corner I heard Ashton say, "Remember Lauren, don't freak out or you'll scare him away okay?"

Then a girls voice, "I'm not going to freak out Ashton."

"I don't believe that but okay let's go."

Then Ashton walked around the corner by his brother and sister.

I saw as her eyes widened when she realized who was sitting at the table.

"Oh my-" She started to say before Ashton cut her off.

"Lauren don't freak out."

She looked at him then at me.

"Ashton you're lying." Her voice was raised.

"I'm not lying." He shook his head.

"Luke Hemmings is not your boyfriend."

"He is though.

"Prove it."

He looked at me and shrugged. He walked over to me so he was standing right in front then bent down and kissed me. I kissed back. He pulled away a couple seconds later and she gasped.

"Oh my god."

"Is that a good reaction?" I quietly asked Ashton.

"Oh yeah. That's a great reaction."

And it was. For the next hour I talked to Ashton's family, who loved me. Their words.

And at almost 11 Anne sent the kids to bed and Ashton stood on the porch with me, saying goodbye.

We held hands as we talked quietly in the moonlight.

"Thank you Luke. You honestly have no idea how much any of this means to me." Ashton said.

"I think I do. But remember that I'd do anything for you Ashton. I love you."

He smiled "I love you too."

I kissed him lightly.

"I don't know how long I'll be in town. I'm going to get in so much trouble for leaving in the middle of the tour but it was worth it. But tomorrow will you come over for breakfast and meet my family?"

He smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I'd love that." He was paused for a second, "Luke I'm going back to London in 3 days."

"You are?" I was surprised. I didn't think he wanted to.

"Yeah I am."

"Well I'm glad you are. I think we have too many unresolved things to do over there."

"Like what?" He asked.

"Like go out for breakfast at a normal person time. Like hold hands as we walk to the beach during the day. Kiss you goodbye at the airport."

His eyes widened.

"Do you mean-"

I nodded. "Yeah. Tomorrow I'm going to do a twit-cam with Michael and Calum and announce it to the world." I stepped closer to him then lightly kissed his nose. "I am in love with Ashton Irwin."


Oh my god one more chapter and an epilogue excuse me while I cry

Once this is all published I'm going to edit a couple little details nothing too extreme but yeah

Anyways have a good week


Tonight is our Secret// A Lashton AUWhere stories live. Discover now