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"Luke. Luke wake up."

I opened my eyes to see Michael getting dangerously close to me.

"We're at the airport. We have to go now if we dont want to be late. Let's go."

I blinked a couple times before hopping out of the van and walking into a large mob of fans. Michael was standing to my left and Calum was standing in front of us. He as still a little angry for me being gone the whole time.

This crowd was much larger than the one back at the hotel so it took us longer to finally get away from it.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I couldn't check it or I would probably lose it but I felt my heart skip a beat at the thought of it being Ashton.

"Luke!" I looked up. "Hurry up Luke!" Calum yelled at me from ahead. I glanced at Michael who was no longer right beside me but a few steps ahead. He gave me a sympathetic smile then turned to look forward.

It took us another 40 minutes to get out of the crowd before we finally got to our flight and another 40 to finally get on our plane.

As soon as I sat down I closed my eyes and sighed.

Michael sat down beside me and sighed as well. Although his was more of a relieved sigh compared to my stressed, sad sigh.

He turned to me and grinned. "We're going to Manchester."

My eyes widened. "Oh my god really? I had absolutely no idea!" My tone dripped with sarcasm.

Michael rolled his eyes.

"Man what is up with you lately? Every time you talk to us you're always bitching. Why?"

I shrugged. "Just been really tired."

Michael eye me suspiciously. "Well obviously you've been tired. The last 3 days we were in London you were never at the hotel. Even at nights. You were always out. Always." He paused. "Is this about Katie?"

I looked at him. "What?"

"I know you guys broke up over a year ago. And I know you said it was because neither of you could handle the distance but is that what this is about? Do you still miss her?"

I didn't answer immediatley. I didn't miss her. At all. She was a girl and that's why I broke up with her in the first place. But if I told Michael that's why he might understand and back off. Both him and Calum might. But I didnt.

"No," I shook my head, "no I don't miss her. I never really loved her."

"So what's this all about?" His eyes were soft and I could see he actually cared. At that moment I came so close to telling him about Ashton. But I stopped myself before I could. "Luke? What are you thinking about?"

I shook my head.

"Nothing. It's nothing."

Michael sighed. "I don't buy that for one second. But I'm tired and you obviously are too so I'm going to sleep on this really short plane ride and I suggest you do too. Then when we land and get to the hotel, maybe you'll want to tell me." He turned over a little so he was no longer facing me.

I sighed and almost closed my eyes before I remembered that I'd gotten a text. I still had probably 10 minutes before I had to shut off my phone but maybe I had time.

Pulling it out of my pocket I turned it on then went into my messages.

It was from Ashton. I felt my heart speed up as I read it. .

From: Ash
I know you're probably on the plane and can't text me or anything but I was thinking after you left that you never told me where you're going. Text me when you can xxx

I sighed then quickly texted him back.

To: Ash
Going to Manchester. Planes about to take off.

It didn't take him long to reply again.

From: Ash
Got some good news for you then. After you left I got...

Before I could finish reading the text a flight attendant was standing next to me and Michael.

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to turn off your phone. We're about to take off."

I looked down at my phone then back up at her.

"This will only take a second I swear."

She frowned a little but before she could say anything Calum was talking from behind me.

"Luke." He sounded tired and frustrated and I knew it was probably because of me. "Just put away your phone. it's a really short flight, you can go that long without looking at it."

The flight attendant gave him a grateful smile and walked away.

I sighed and put away my phone.

"Just one hour. Only one."


I have today off. I also have next Monday off so that's great.

And I didnt update Idiot or Roommates but I will this week I swear.

And I have finals in a month so I'm stressed about that.

But I also only have 22 or 23 days of school and then I have two finals.


Have a good week

Love xxx


Tonight is our Secret// A Lashton AUWhere stories live. Discover now