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"Luke we should go to sleep."

Just as I said this Luke yawned.


"Because it's already 3."

"Yeah but I'm not tired." He stretched out then pulled me even closer to him.

"Yes you are Luke."

He sighed. "But if we go to sleep that's less time that we have together."

"We'll still be together." I pointed out.

"Yeah but I won't be seeing you. It wouldn't be the same." He pouted.

"Luke." I sighed.

"I'm sorry." He rested his chin on top of mine. "I'm just really going to miss you."

"I know baby. I'm going to miss you too."

"Should we go to sleep?" He asked.

"No." I shook my head and hopped off the couch."

"No?" He sat up straighter as I turned off the TV we'd barely been watching.

"No. We should do something. Fun."

"Like what?"

"I don't know but it's 3 in the morning and we have probably three hours before the city comes to life. We should do something before that happens."

Luke grinned and hopped off the couch. He ran over to me and kissed me before throwing on his clothes from the day before.

"Alright. Let's do something fun!" He took my hand in his. "What should we do?"

I thought for a second before I grabbed my phone and wallet.

"First we should get some breakfast."

"But we just ate 2 hours ago."

"Another way to look at that is it"s been 2 hours since we ate and I'm hungry. Let's go." I pulled Luke to the door and walked out of it.

I pressed the button for the elevator and we waited a second before stepping into it. As soon as the doors closed Luke was on me.

He pressed his lips against mine and ran his hands along my sides. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sighed. I was going to miss this. Miss Luke.

"Why are elevators always where you decide to make a move?" I mumbled as he pulled away and kissed along my jaw and neck.

"Because it's a minute of privacy in public." He smiled and pecked my lips just before the door opened.

We stepped into the practically empty lobby. The front desk person was sitting behind his desk asleep and snoring loudly.

I turned to Luke and pressed a finger to my lips, gesturing to be quiet. We quietly walked out of the building and into the dark and quiet streets of London.

"Where do you want to go?" Luke asked me.

"Okay there's this small restaurant I discovered a few months ago. It's really quiet. Almost no one knows about it and it's 24 hours. We could go there? It's not far. Just a couple blocks down from here."

"Sure. Lead the way." Luke nodded and I lead him in the direction of the restaurant.

We walked in almost complete silence. My hands were shoved in my pockets but I felt Luke pull my hand out and intertwine my fingers with his. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back.

"Here we are." I motioned to a small building a moment later and pulled open the door for Luke. He walked inside and looked around the room.

A waitress walked up to us.

"Table for two?" She asked in a bored voice.

I nod and she grabbed two menus and lead us to a table.

"Thanks." I said as I slid into the booth with Luke across from me.

"What are you getting?" Luke asked me as he flipped through the menu.

"Pancakes. And some bacon. What about you?"

"Not sure. What's good?"

"The pancakes and bacon. That's why I'm getting it."

Luke chuckled and continued to look through his menu.

"I'll just get bacon and eggs." He closed his menu and set it down on top of mine.

"Okay." I felt Luke's foot nudge mine gently from under the table. I smirked and nudged back.

The waitress came back just a second later with a couple cups of coffee in hand then set them down in front of us.

"Are you two ready to order?" Still in the same monotone voice.

We ordered our food and she walked away, once again leaving us alone.

"Jesus I would hate to work here." Luke said as the waitress walked away.

"Yeah I know. Everyone always looks so bored. But the food is amazing. This is the best place to come when you get hungry in the middle of the night and have nothing to eat at home."

"I bet." Luke took a sip from his coffee then looked back at me. "Okay what next?"

"After breakfast?"

"I'd say this is more of a midnight snack but yeah. After breakfast. What are we doing?"

"We could go to the beach? There's one not far from here. About a 20 minute walk. I can't see why anyone would go there at 4 in the morning."

"It's only 3:20." Luke pointed out.

"I'm thinking ahead."

The waitress came back with our food just a minute later.

Luke took one small bite and I noticed his eyes widen. He looked up at me.

"Holy shit." He practically whispered. "This is amazing."

"I know. That was my reaction the first time I came here. But you know. This is the first time I've came here with someone. I've always been alone."

"Well I'm glad you're here to experience this with me because this is so good." Luke said as he shoved another forkful into his mouth.

I smiled. "Yeah. Me too."


Hello friends.

So if you didn't know I posted a new story called Roommates. It's Lashton.

And I got 100 on my math quiz and 80 on my foods quiz and 80 on my carpentry quiz and yup. That happened.

And my mom bought me these really awesome candles and they make me so happy. They have inspirational quotes on them and the colours are bright and pretty.

Also the weather here is beautiful and my mom took my driving for the second time and I almost drove into a lamp post and almost hit the curb but otherwise I did great.

And yup. That's what's new in my life. What about you guys? Anything awesome? New? Fun? Not fun? Kinda sad? If it's sad then I love you and am sending you fries and warm blankets.

Love you guys.


Tonight is our Secret// A Lashton AUWhere stories live. Discover now