
491 26 6

The afternoon went by slow. I was late for lunch with Calum and Michael but they didn't mind. I told them I got lost and they believed me. They also didn't get to go back to the hotel until 7 and I got to go back at 5:30. Of course I intended to go to Ashton's hotel instead of mine.

So at 5:30 I took a cab to the hotel and went up to Ashton's room. Before I could even knock, the door opened and Ashton was standing in front of me. He jumped back a little.

"Luke! You scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry. Where are you going?"

"Need more towels. But I'll be right back so you can just chill in here until I get back."

I nodded and stepped inside just as he stepped out. "Okay cool."

He smiled at me before closing the door behind him.

I walked over to the bed where I had been only 4 hours earlier and laid down again.

My face was stuffed in the pillows and I inhaled their scent. He had only been here for a day and they already smelt like Ashton which made me smile.

I hadn't realized how tired I was until then. I heard Ashton come in a few minutes later and felt the bed dip so I assumed he sat down beside me. He tangled his fingers in my hair and ran them through it. It felt nice. I sighed at the soothing touch.

"Luke. Are you awake?" He whispered.

"Yeah." My words were muffled by the pillows.

The pressure on the bed shifted and I felt his arms wrap around my body.

"Luke, I know you can't stay for long," his soft voice calmed me, "and I get that. I'm okay with that. But can you please, just for a little bit, just stay here. With me? Please?"

I could feel myself falling asleep and I knew whatever I said wouldn't express what I wanted to say so instead I grabbed his hand in mine and lightly squeezed letting him know that I wasn't going anywhere. He moved in closer so his stomach was pressing tightly against my back.

And I fell asleep.

And for the third time that day I woke up in that bed with Ashton right there with me. I couldn't see him when I woke up but his arms were still around me and I loved it. It felt so right.

"Ashton." I muttered. "Are you awake?"


"Did you even go to sleep?"


"What time is it?"


I sat up in the bed and yawned.

"This wasn't much of a visit." I said looking down at him.

He smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "I thought it was pretty great."


"Yeah I mean I was with you. So yeah. It was pretty great."

I smiled and leaned down to kiss him.

"I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

He nodded and kissed me again. "Definitely."

We both got off the bed and walked over to the door. I was just about to open it before he stopped me.

"Oh Luke there was something I wanted to tell you before you left."

"Sure. What's up?"

"So that extra concert ticket you gave me? I'm taking my sister."

"You're sister? Doesn't she live in Sydney? And isn't she only 13?"

"Yeah. But I called my mum and she told me she would get last minute tickets for her and the kids and it would be a surprise for my sister. She'd think it'd just be a trip to see me after so long. So they'll be coming here on Thursday next week."

"Wow. Hasn't it been a really long time since you've seen any of them?"

"Yeah. Last time I saw them was the day I moved to London. Which was, two years ago."

"Shit." I mumbled.

"Yeah so I'm kind of terrified."

"But you still talk to your family obviously. And they're okay with it right?"

"Um I think so. I mean I think sometimes my mum gets a little angry that I never visit her. Ever. And that I rarely call. I think that upsets her too."

"Well I'm sure everything will be fine. Now I gotta go but I'll see you later okay?"

He smiled and nodded then kissed me before I ran out the door and made my way back to the hotel.

I checked my phone as soon as I got there and I had no texts from Michael or Calum meaning they weren't back yet. I walked into the room and sat down but not long after Michael was knocking on my door.

"Hey bro we're back let us in!"

I sighed and got off the bed to let them in.

"Hey man how was the day?" Calum asked as he and Michael pushed passed me.

"Tiring and I want to sleep." I closed the door and saw they'd already sat down on my bed leaving no space for me. "Come on guys you have your own bed."

They didn't reply but instead turned on the TV.

"Lukey be a dear and order a pizza." Michael said.

"You know when we go broke it's going to be because of pizza and cab rides." But I ordered one anyways.

Two hours later, I finally managed to get them out of my room and leave the leftover pizza for me. I turned off the TV and stripped leaving on nothing but my boxers then threw myself into bed.

My phone vibrated and I saw I was getting a call from Ashton. I smiled and answered.

"Missed me I see."

"Oh you wish. I'm calling to inform you that I intend to actually sleep in tomorrow morning and not wake up any earlier than 11 in the morning. Because for the past 4 mornings, at least, I have woken up early because of you."

"I'm going to swing by your hotel room at 6 and bang on your door as loudly as possible." There was silence for a moment.

"Well in that case, that will be the only thing you bang for a while."

I paused. "Okay so I am going to let you sleep as late as you possibly want."

He laughed. "Damn right." Then, "Goodnight Luke."

"Goodnight Ashton."


Honestly I love Lashton so much like I know you know that but honestly I am just in love with their love.

Anyways. Bye. Have a nice week


(ps this is almost over like 14 more chapters and an epilogue I think)

Tonight is our Secret// A Lashton AUWhere stories live. Discover now