Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Thirty-Four

~Brielle’s POV~

My eyes slowly opened, but something wasn’t right… the room looked kind of slanted and my stomach felt like it was in tight knots. I moved my arm to feel for Niall, where he fell asleep with me last night, but he wasn’t there.

“Niall” I called as loud as I could, praying he was still in my flat.

There was no answer. I swung my arm to the small end table near the bed, feeling for my phone, but all I had done was knock over my half-eaten bowl of soup from last night. Crap, my phone had still been in my bag, in the living room.

“Niall” I called again, hoping he would hear me.

Still no answer. My head was swirling and I couldn’t see anything straight, everything around me felt like ice, sending shivers down my spine. Something was wrong, something was very wrong. I had been dizzy and nauseous plenty of times, but this was something very different.

“I need to move” I whispered to myself as I rolled myself off the bed and landed on the hard wood floor.

My body ached from the impact and shook from the cold air surrounding me. If I could only reach the intercom, or a phone, or anything for that matter… I began crawling towards the living area, but my eyes just couldn’t focus and my body just couldn’t move fast enough. Did you ever have one of those dreams where you’re trying to move or get away from something but it feels like you’re a thousand pounds or like you’re trying to move through quick sand? That’s exactly how I feel now, but it’s real.

“Niall, please” I begged, praying he was around.

Finally I had reached the entry of the living room and I could see the bag that contained my phone, I crawled towards it, but somehow it just kept moving away, or maybe it was just me. The room was shaking like an earth quake and swirling like it was trapped in a funhouse mirror.

“Please, anyone, help” I called from the floor.

I tried to stand up and reach for my bag, but my body just wouldn’t let me do it. I began shedding tears of frustration, praying the room would stop, praying someone would hear me.

“Come on, Brielle, you need to do this” I whispered to myself as I began crawling closer to the bag.

But then something happened… my body completely locked up, I couldn’t move, or think, or even breathe… my body just collapsed completely on the ground. I was slipping into unconsciousness, slipping away from hope.

If someone was going to find me, it better be soon.

~Liam’s POV~

It’s such a beautiful morning; sunlight was shining through the cracks in the drapes on my window, my bed was warm and comfortable, and I had a fantastically peaceful sleep. I guess you can call me a morning person; I’m rarely cranky in the morning. I hopped out of bed and went to make myself a cup of tea, but my phone ringing had stopped me. The caller ID said it was from Niall, so I quickly answered it.

“Hey, Nialler, what’s up?” I asked

Do you happen to have the key to Brielle’s flat? I locked the door before I left last night and I wanted to go surprise her with breakfast” he said

“Sure, do you want to come get it or should I go unlock the door for you?” I asked

Could you unlock it for me? I’m still working on the breakfast” he laughed

“Of course, just do me a favor, don’t burn the building down” I laughed

I’ll try” he said, I could just imagine the smile on his face.

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