Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

~Harry’s POV~

“Thank you everyone, we love you all so much!” I screamed as I ran off the stage, still hearing to the roar of screaming girls. I remember when it I heard girls screaming for me for the first time; it was so thrilling and strange! I can’t exactly say I’m used to it yet, but it’s beginning to become something I just expect; for instance, I know that if I go out without a disguise and security, I will most likely be spotted and, within minutes, girls will be screaming in my face. It’s very flattering, but sometimes I miss being a nobody, sometimes I miss being just Harry, not a superstar. That’s what I love about Brielle; she knew we were celebrities, she experienced all of the screams from fans, and she knew we were rich, yetthere she was, treating us the way we would have been treated if we were still “average” teenage boys. It’s actually quite a relief, and I’m sure the others feel the same.

“Good job, mates! Now let’s go get Brielle and get back to the hotel, I’m beat!” I said

Niall mumbled something, probably about being hungry, but we ignored him and walked to where Brielle was seated. When we came into her view, Brielle’s head snapped up and, she flew out of her seat and hugged us all. A bystander might have thought she was a fan girl, judging by the way she jumped at us, but it was still so clear to us that she was different. Her hug was so gentle; it kind of reminded me of a mother hugging her kid who had just kicked the winning goal, like she was so proud of us for simply doing our job. Brielle wasn’t the type of person to make a big deal over wealth or fame, she was genuinely happy that we were happy with our lives, and that our dreams had come true; in fact, most of the time I had forgot that she had problems of her own to handle, I had forgot why she was with us in the first place…

“Great show guys, you all did fantasmic” she chuckled at her own pun.

“Thanks, Briellerz” Louis laughed as he messed up her hair.

“Can we go get ice cream to celebrate?” Niall smiled

“Celebrate what? Doing our job?” Zayn chuckled

“Celebrate doing our job… IN DISNEY” Liam grinned

“Well I think you boys deserve some ice cream” Brielle said

“Oh, alright, let’s go!” I said as we began walking towards Dinosaur Gertie's Ice Cream which was conveniently located close to the exit of the park, it gives Brielle and Liam less of a chance to harass us about going on more rides, besides, I wanted to go to the hotel and rest anway.

When we got to the ice cream place, Brielle motioned for Niall to go order:

“I’ll take six large ice cream sundaes!” Niall smiled

“Will that be all, sir?” The women asked

“Well my friends need to order too!” Niall motioned towards us

Brielle and I exchanged glances and went hysterically laughing, Niall shrugged and waited for us to get ours. Louis, Liam, and I ordered chocolate cones, Zayn ordered a twist cone, and Brielle claimed she didn’t want it.

“How could you not want ice cream?!” Niall howled

“Because… I just don’t” Brielle clearly lied; I wonder what was actually wrong with her.

“Come on, can I just get you something small?” I suggested

“No thank you, Harold.” She laughed.

“Alright then, suit yourself!” I mocked as I grabbed her hand and started walking towards the exit. Luckily the park was practically empty because it was passed closing, only people with certain wrist bands could stay. We walked to the bus silently, Brielle seemed to be unsteady as she walked, I was kind of worried, I shot Liam a look to see if he noticed too, and apparently he did.

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