Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

~Brielle’s POV~

I slowly opened my eyes and stretched, I was pretty sore from yesterday… I looked down and I was wearing a pair of boy’s boxers and a t-shirt…. I don’t remember changing… I blushed when I realized one of the boys must have changed me.

“Good, you’re awake!” Louis smiled, “I’ll go get the others; we were taking shifts waiting for you to wake up”

“What time is it?” I mumbled

“About three in the morning, you’ve been asleep for hours, but you probably needed it” he said.

“I guess so…” I muttered

“I’ll be right back” he said as he went to go get the boys.

Within a few seconds, they all came running in, even Zayn, who I thought would have been in a coma at this hour.

“Brielle!” Niall yelled excitedly as he ran over and hugged me

“Hi, Niall…” I whispered

“I’m so so so SO sorry! Are you mad at me?” he whimpered with puppy eyes

“Well I was… but I know you only did it because you were worried, so I’m not” I smiled as I hugged him back.

“I told you she wouldn’t be mad” Liam said as he patted Niall’s back, “How are you feeling, Brielle?” he asked me

“I’m fine, just a little sore…and, uhmm… whose clothes am I wearing?” I blushed

“Oh… sorry, it’s just that your clothes were wet and we didn’t want you to get sick…” he blushed, “That’s Niall’s clothes, he’s the shortest so we figured they would fit you better… and I didn’t look, I swear!”

“It’s okay, Liam” I laughed, “I believe you. Thank you for taking care of me” I smiled

“You’re welcome!” he smiled, “Do you want anything to eat or drink?”

“No thank you… So… uhmmm… sorry about yesterday…” I apologized

“It’s alright, just please tell us next time… Can I ask why you wanted to see your father and what happened?” Liam asked and the boys nodded in agreement.

“It was father’s day, and I felt guilty for not visiting him, so I made a snap decision to come see him, he… he acted the way he usually did… I was cleaning up for him, and I accidently dropped a dish and he… he hit me. I was really upset, so I wanted to go visit my mom, but I accidentally talked back to him before I left and he hit me more… so I ran… and then you guys found me… I’m sorry you had to see that” I whimpered

Their expressions were all so different; Harry looked horrified, Louis looked shocked, Niall looked extremely sad, Liam looked very sympathetic, and Zayn looked furious.

“I want to give him a piece of my mind!” Zayn said angrily

“Zayn… he’s still my father” I argued

“All he’s done is hurt you! How dare anyone hit a lady, especially you! You didn’t deserve any of that! I want to beat him up and see how he feels!” Zayn growled

“Calm down, Zayn. We don’t have to worry about him hurting her anymore, she’s with us” Harry said as he patted Zayn’s back.

“I did deserve it…” I admitted

“How could you possibly think you, or anyone for that matter, deserves to be physically and verbally abused for years?” Liam asked incredulously

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