Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

~Niall’s POV~

We pulled up in front of our hotel to pack everything up; Simon booked us a private flight back to our “vacation” house in England. Brielle was asleep, so I stayed in the car with her while the boys packed everything up and loaded the car. Brielle had a slight bruise on her cheek from being hit and her arm was still slightly bleeding through the gauze Liam wrapped around it. It wasn’t severe enough to be stitched, but it was severe enough to worry us. Brielle jumped in front of a knife for us… all we did was stopping her from getting hit once. It’s unbelievable how selfless she is, everything about her just radiates kindness and love. Brielle’s father was an ugly, rude, monster; he was nothing like her at all. It’s beyond me how she could grow up in such a hostile environment and be such a saint.

“Please…. Please…. Not again” she mumbled in her sleep.

I frowned and gently pulled her closer to me and rubbed her back, hoping to soothe her. I wish I could just erase all of her horrible memories and nightmares, I wish we could trade spots so that she would live a normal, happy life, and I would be the one abused and abandoned; she didn’t deserve any of that and if I had the chance, I would save her in a heartbeat.

“We’re ready” Louis whispered as he slid into the driver’s seat and began driving us to the airport.

“No!” Brielle screamed, waking herself up. Her eyes went wide and she looked around, when she saw all of us, she looked relieved and took a deep breath, “Sorry… I just had a bad dream” she whispered.

“It’s okay, love” I whispered in her ear and hugged her closer.

~Brielle’s POV~

We were about to get on the jet Simon booked for us, but that’s when it really hit me hard… no more small town life in Georgia, no more visits to my mom’s grave, no more trying to appease my drunken father… Everything was going to change now.

“Are you ready?” Niall whispered in my ear and put his arm around me.

I nodded and followed him into the jet. The jet was the same as our last and we sat in the same spots, but the second we were up in the air, the boys had unbuckled and come to sit by me.

“Do you want to talk about anything?” Harry asked, clearly referencing what had happened.

“Not really… I just want you to thank you all for standing up for me and protecting me, you’ll probably never understand how much it really meant to me” I smiled

“I wish we protected you more… You got stabbed for us, I wish I would have seen it” Zayn whimpered as he stared at my bandaged arm.

“This?” I questioned pointing towards my arm, “This was nothing compared to what you did for me. No one has ever stood up to my father for me; actually, no one has ever stood up for me in general. I’ve waited so long for someone to protect me and you did.” I smiled, “Besides, I’ve had worse than this: one time her pushed me down a flight of steps and threw a glass picture frame at me, that one hurt.” I winced at the memory.

“I just can’t believe someone would actually do that to another human being, especially someone as innocent as you are!” Liam sighed

“Things happen, I’m sure there are people that have it much worse than I do out there.” I said.

“Says the girl who’s been abused, neglected, and more recently, stabbed!” Louis laughed, “You’re too modest sometimes”

“I’m not being modest, I’m being honest. I’m lucky I’m alive, I’m healthy, I met both of my parents, I graduated from school, and most importantly, I get to stay with the five most amazing people I ever met!” I smiled

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