Author's Note #3

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****************** Not A Chapter *******************

To my amazing readers,

First of all, sorry this isn't a chapter, I promise I'll have one up as soon as possible. Life is just crazy right now, so I rarely have time to write. Anyway, back to why I originally decided to make this note: today I finally hit 5,000 views on Trembling Hands; when I say I was shocked, I mean like my heart stopped when I saw it. You are all absolutely AMAZING! Thank you so much for reading, commenting, and voting! You have no idea how much it means to me have such an overwhelming amount of support! You all inspire me to keep on writing; I can honestly say, I did not think I was going to have such a good reaction to my writing! I originally started writing this for fun, and then I thought "What the hell? Lets put it online!"... I was not expecting this at all. Sorry, I know I'm like going crazy here, but you all need to know how happy you've made me and how much I appreciate everything you do for me. So again, thank you SO much for all you do! I love you guys! And again, I promise I'll have another one up soon!

Second of all, I owe a big thanks to my sister, without her I would have been just another fan, she truly turned me into a Directioner and writing this has only made me even more of a fangril! I absolutely love writing this because in this world, in my story, I have complete control over what happens and nothing is impossible. Of course in real life, I would never have the money (or luck) to meet them, so my fantasy is as close as I'm going to get. I'm so glad everyone enjoys to read my writing almost as much as I love writing it! Anyway, without my sister, I wouldn't have started this, I probably would not have been as big of a fan as I have now, and I probably still would have been at her throat (before One Direction... we fought a lot....). So anyway, thank you, Dianna, for putting up with my annoyances and begging you to read it over, even though you seem to enjoy it.

Okay, last one, I swear! Thank you again to Arabellalynnchance for making my beautiful cover (and the cover to my new story too!). I wouldn't ever pick anyone else to make it for me! Thank you to all of my amazing fans, you guys rock! Thank you to the people who are still reading this for putting up with my mushy speeches lol!

Okay, I lied lol! By the way: If you haven't checked out my sister's story Taken (by Dianna66), GO!!! It's perfect! I always have the privilege of reading it (and proof reading it lol!) before it comes out on Wattpad! It's really amazing and absolutely Hilarious! And for those of you wondering, YES it is also a One Direction fan fiction! To be exact it's a kidnapping one that guarantees you will be laughing!


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