Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

~Brielle’s POV~

Ouch. My head was pounding hardly and I felt like something just wasn’t right. I slowly opened my eyes, there was blinding sunlight coming through the window next to the bed I was lying in, I began rubbing my eyes until I could see clearly.

“Brielle?” Niall called; after my eyes adjusted, I could see he was sitting on a chair next to me.

“Hi” I whispered, my morning voice making it sound like I was a long-time smoker.

“How are you feeling?” he asked

“Fine; why wouldn’t I be?” I asked still in a daze from my sleep.

“Just after yesterday… I thought… never mind” he whispered

“Oh…..Oh! I’m so sorry!” I apologized as soon as I remembered what had happened.

“Why are you apologizing?” he chuckled

“Well, I just, things would have been okay if I wasn’t there. I’ll try and stay out of the way more” I said sadly

“Brielle, we were only worried about you. I’m so sorry what happened to you; none of it was true… It’s just that… To the rest of the world, we’re not just average boys, we’re “stars””, he laughed and used air quotes, “We can’t just go out without running into someone who knows who we are and would do anything just to get a picture. Even though it’s really nice and we love them, sometimes they go overboard and hurt the people we love, I mean, Eleanor, Danielle, Perrie, and even our families get hate!” he sighed

“Niall, I understand. It’s just that when I’m with you guys alone, I forget that you’re internationally famous” I laughed

“I forget too sometimes… you make me forget” he smiled

“Is that a bad thing?” I asked worriedly

“Of course not! It’s so nice to have someone treat me like a human rather than a god or something!” he chuckled; his laugh was like bells ringing in my ear, it was so adorable and contagious!

“Well then I’m glad I could help, but you do realize that keeping me around can hurt your image and your fans” I reminded him with a frown

“I understand, but they’ll get over it”, he smiled “You’re so important to all of us”

“Important enough to possibly ruin your career and get hate?” I asked

“You’re important enough for me to give it all up, to go back to being a nobody” he said

My eyes widened and my heart stopped… Did Niall Horan just tell me that he would give up his life of fame and music for me? ….

“Niall, I highly doubt you were ever a nobody” I said after I recovered from my shock, “You seem like the kind of person that everyone just automatically loves… If I met you before you became famous, I would have loved you exactly the same as I do now.” I said.

Did I actually just tell him I love him? “The same as I do now”? How do I love him now? Is it more than the family-like way that I loved the other boys? My heart was pounding and I was terrified to see how he would react; why the hell did I just say that?! If he doesn’t like me then this is going to be awkward! Wait… Do I even like him?! I was getting ready to pull my hair out in frustration! I was so confused and scared…

A brief look of shock crossed his expression, but then it turned into something different… his eyes were twinkling with happiness and his smile was practically ear to ear; it gave me a slight ounce of hope that maybe, just maybe, he likes me half as much as I like him.

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