Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

~Liam’s POV~

*An hour later*

I've been sitting on the couch in Brielle's room waiting for her to finish getting ready; I was really worried about the boys, they were trying to get everything packed and done on their own and I knew I should be helping, especially because they're all upset, but no one wanted to leave Brielle alone for now.

The bathroom door opened and Brielle stepped out with her towel and makeup bag in her arms. She still looked unusually pale, even for her, her crystal blue eyes were done up with makeup, yet they still looked puffy and slightly red, I wonder if she had been crying again, her hair was dripping wet, but brushed out, I peaked a quick look at her bandaged wrist which still seemed to fine, all in all, she looked like she was going to be okay, even though I was still worried.

"You didn't have to stay, Liam, I'm okay, I promise" She said as she placed her makeup bag in her suitcase and threw the towel over the thingy that you hang the shower curtain on.

"Well... you know... the boys and I...." I stammered; she would probably be more upset knowing that we don't trust her at all and will probably monitor her like a baby for a while.

"...It's okay, I understand." she frowned.

I motioned for her to come sit down next to me, I needed to know what happened last night between her and Niall, maybe it had something to do with what happened... "Do you want to talk?" I began

"I'd really rather not...." she confessed while staring at her bare feet

"It might help... Can you tell me what happened with you and Niall last night? He was very upset, he won't tell us anything and I'm assuming that it's a secret, but, Brielle, you don't have to keep secrets from us, we won't judge you." I said

"It really won't help, I regret talking to Niall because it made him so upset, I'm not doing it to anyone else. I'm so sorry that I hurt him...." she said, obviously trying not to cry.

"Well" I was about to continue, but the boys charged into the room.

"Everything but Brielle's stuff is in the bus and we got extra security to clear the area for us." Zayn said

"Thank you, boys." I said

"...I'll go take down Brielle's bag" Louis said, knowing that Niall and Harry probably wanted some time with her, even though that probably wasn't the best idea.

"Okay, but hurry back, I ordered room service for all of us." Niall said

Louis nodded and carried Brielle's bag out the door. Niall and Harry stood in front of Brielle and I, while Zayn stood their awkwardly and eventually took a seat on the small recliner on the other side of the room.

~Niall's POV~

Brielle looked so weak, so hurt, it scared me how much she resembled the way she looked the first night she was with us. I wanted to see the happy girl that was skipping around the Magic Kingdom again, but it seems that her happiness was completely drained. I felt horrible for leaving her last night when I knew that she wanted a friend, if I would have stayed... she wouldn't have done that, I could have helped her. I needed to talk to her, I needed to apologize... alone.

"Guys, do you mind if I talk to Brielle alone?" I whispered

They all nodded and stood up to walk out the door, "We'll be in the bus, whenever you're ready come down with Brielle" Liam said.

"Thanks." I muttered as they left. I didn't quite trust that their curiosity wouldn't have got the best of them, so I peeked out of the little peep hole in the door to make sure they weren't listening in. When I was sure they were gone, I turned to face Brielle on the couch. I slowly walked over and sat down next to her.

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