Author's Note #4

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Fist of all, sorry this isn't a chapter, I will get a few up as soon as I can, I know I've been slacking, but I promise I'll make time for you guys <3. Second of all, I'd really appreciate it if you'd read this :)

Okay, now, I'm writing this because..... I JUST HIT 10,000 reads! That is absolutely crazy! I never imagined it would get this popular!!! I originally put it up because I was having so much fun writing it, I didn't think you would all enjoy it almost as much as I do! It really means a lot to me to have all of your support, I'm really honored that it received that many reads. Thank you all so, so, SO much! It makes me so happy to know that I made people happy just doing what I love. So thank you, thank you, thank you! I've received nothing but sweet comments and inboxes from you guys, thank you to everyone commenting/voting/reading/messaging me! I love hearing from all of you! I write because I love it, and I was probably going to continue even if I didn't have the support from you guys, but it's such a big bonus that you all seem to like it and each and every one of you inspire me to keep writing! Thank you all again, so much, I don't think you'll ever comprehend how much it means to me! <3 :)

I also want to take the time to thank my sister, Dianna! Without her, I probably wouldn't have gotten into One Direction as much as I am now, and this story wouldn't have existed. She forces me to write even when I'm not in the mood and I've fallen so deeply in love with my writing, it's like my baby lol. So everyone should probably thank her for the existence of the story too; she also writes, her story is called Taken (One Direction FanFiction) and her user-name is Dianna66, her story is absolutely hilarious, I'm so lucky I get to be the first person to read each update! You should all definitely check it out!

In addition, I need to thank five boys that go by the name of One Direction. I know I may sound just like every other fan, and there's really nothing special about me, but those boys will never understand how much they've changed my life. Just a little personal story here: my sister and I became complete Directioners when our mom was in the hospital over the last few weeks of summer, before One Direction came around, we never got along, we never hung out, we never even talked... but now, my sister is truly my best friend, uniting us seemed almost impossible, but Niall, Liam, Harry, Louis, and Zayn did just that. I know they'll never read this, never know I exist, and probably wouldn't care anyway, but I owe them so much, they made me happy and gave me a best friend <3 :) . So if by some miracle they do see this: Thank you One Direction, for making me happy and giving me my best friend <3 :)

Okay, last one, I promise! Thank you all again, you are all amazing people that inspire me, and continue to do so every day! I check Wattpad almost every day and every day there is typically a new comment or vote, and watching the number of readers goes up is just so amazing. Last time I promise, but thank you SO much, I love you all!!! Please keep reading and commenting, I love hearing from you! <3 :)

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