Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

~Harry’s POV~

Beep Beep Beep

Damn alarm clock, it certainly was not a pleasant way to wake up, but I deliberately set it so I would get up to check on Brielle. For the most part, we all assumed that she was okay to not have to constantly be monitored anymore, but I just didn’t feel right… Niall was upset about something last night according to Liam, apparently he won’t talk. I moaned and rolled out of bed, I was just about to walk out the door until I realized I was naked, oops. I threw some underwear and pajama pants on, not bothering to grab a shirt. I walked out of my room and across the hall, standing outside of Brielle’s door.

“Knock knock!!!” I yelled “Open up, Briellerz!”

No response.

“Brielle, I know you’re in there! Come out come out before I break in!” I yelled again

No response.

“Brielle?” I said, my voice getting softer…

Still no response.

“I’m not kidding, Brielle! I’m coming in if you don’t open it now!” I threatened

No response; I counted thirty seconds in my head and then began to worry. I jiggled the handle and the door was unlocked, that’s strange…

“Brielle?” I called as I walked inside and looked around for her. The living room was empty, I peeked in the bedroom and that too was empty. I approached the bathroom door and was about to knock until I noticed the door was open…

“Oh my God, Brielle!” I screamed in horror.

~Liam’s POV~

I was walking up and down the hallway of the hotel knocking on the boy’s doors, attempting to get them up.

“Oh my God, Brielle!” Harry’s deep voice yelled in shock.

I ran to the place the sound was coming from…. Brielle’s room. I ran inside and looked around searching for Harry and Brielle; the living room was empty, the bedroom was empty…. But the bathroom was far from empty…

“Oh my God! Harry what happened!” I screamed

“I just walked in here!” he yelled at me “Brielle, Brielle! Wake up!” he screamed at her.

I ran over and crouched down next to Brielle; her body was lying limply on the floor, she was pale and a small pool of blood was dried on the shiny marble tile, next to the pool of blood was a tiny blade. It took me a moment to connect the pieces, but I when I realized what she had done, I was horrified.

I instantly went into “daddy” mode; I picked her up and ran her into the bedroom, checking her pulse; luckily she still had one even though she resembled a corpse right now.

“Harry, go get the first aid kit and wake up the others, fast!” I commanded; Harry nodded and sprinted out of the room faster than I had ever seen before.

“Brielle?” I shook her lightly, praying that she would be okay “Brielle? Please answer me! Squeeze my hand if you can hear me” I said as I placed her hand in mine. She squeezed it slightly and her eyes began to flutter a bit. I was instantly relieved when I could finally see her bright blue eyes; there was something wrong with them though… they were bloodshot and slightly puffy, probably from crying, and there were dark circles under them. Regardless, her eyes were open and she was responding to me.

“Liam?” she whispered; her voice was hoarse and crackly, it sounded like she had been crying for sure.

“I’m right here, you’re okay.” I whispered as I squeezed her hand comfortingly, I wish Harry would hurry up with that first aid kit, her wrist was still bleeding slightly and the wound looked slightly swollen and dirty. Perhaps we should take her to the hospital?

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