Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

~ Brielle’s POV ~

I pulled into the parking lot of the arena, it was MOBBED, and I was seriously scared for my life; some of these fans looked insane. I couldn’t find a spot, so I was forced to park in the very back. I opened the door and hopped out, I was about to start walking until I saw a group of young girls, maybe about twelve or thirteen years old, one of the girls was sobbing and the others were laughing at her. I walked over to eavesdrop a bit.

“Awe poor little Megan didn’t get tickets because her family is too poor” one little girl let out an obnoxious laugh, “I can’t believe she actually thought we bought her a ticket! Like I would waste my money on that looser!” she laughed again and high-fived the other girls around her.

I was appalled at what I heard; I walked up to the girl crying (who I assume was Megan). “Megan?” I called to her. Everyone turned to look at me, including Megan. “I overheard what these girls did to you, and you really shouldn’t be friends with girls like that. In the end, you’ll always come out on top. I have a surprise for you.” I reached in my bag and pulled out the envelope with the front row ticket and VIP pass and handed it to her; she opened it and her eyes bugged out of her head. “I won a contest, I was going to sell them, but you really deserve them. You can wave to your friends when you’re all the way in the front and they’re stuck in the back, maybe, if you want to be nice, you can send them a picture of you with the band!” I chuckled and she laughed too. I offered my hand to her and she took it, we walked in together. I was so glad I made such a deserving person happy. “Thank you so much” she whispered through her tears and gave me a hug.

I was still holding Megan’s hand as we walked up to the security guard and showed him our passes. He nodded and led us to our seats for the concert. Megan was smiling and crying happy tears, I smiled back at her.

Suddenly the arena went pitch black, and the amount of screaming I heard could have shattered a thousand vases. It literally sounded like I was in front of a jet taking off. Five dim spot lights turned on and the shadows of five boys emerged, I looked down at Megan and she was jumping and screaming with the rest of the crowd. I stood their kind of awkwardly, it was all so much to take in, but I didn’t understand why these girls were acting like this. I mean, they’re only human, very attractive and talented humans, but still just humans; I felt no need to freak out over them. Don’t get me wrong I was certainly excited and very thankful to be here, I’m just not that obsessed, it seemed unhealthy.

A familiar beat started playing and the lights turned on brighter to reveal the boys in detail, they were all extremely attractive. Once they started singing I had recognized the song as What Makes You Beautiful, it was slightly hard to hear them clearly over the deafening screams, this was my first concert and I knew it would be loud, but certainly not to this extent. I looked down at Megan once more and she was singing along and jumping around, man this girl had energy!

*About an hour later*

I heard a comforting melody, tears instantly welled up in my eyes, and I fought them back. The song was Moments, the last song of the night. Memories of my mother’s death, father’s abuse, and my own pain flooded into my head; I just couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. Just then, Harry (I only know their names because the fans screamed for them during each of their solos) began walking towards me and I wiped the tears away and tried to fix my makeup before it ran, making me look like a bruised raccoon. My heart skipped a beat when he leaned down and started singing, it seemed like he was singing to me only. My eyes widened and tears flowed like a river as I furiously wiped them away.

~ Harry’s POV ~

Moments, this was the most difficult song to sing because it was pretty emotional; I concentrated on the screaming fans knowing it was all for them. I scanned the audience while Liam sung, one girl in the front row was already crying; I couldn’t tell if it was because she was the emotional type of fan-girl, or if this song was really touching her that deeply. I started walking towards her before my part begun; when my part came up I knelt down, looked her in the eyes and serenaded her. Her eyes widened and she didn’t stop crying.

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