-Mentions everything that happenedClay's POV
~ 6 Months Later ~
I held George's hand on our way to my mother's house. He smiled at me and then squeezed my hand. 'I know you celebrated my six months clean a few days back, but today is your six months clean. Did you forget?'
I smiled brightly. 'I did forget, but I'm glad you remembered.'
He nodded heavily and stood still to give me a tight hug. 'Clayyyy,' he whined as he rested his head against my chest.
'Whaaat?' I giggled, ruffling his hair up.
'I'm hungry,' he sighed. 'I ate two sandwiches, a banana and three biscuits. Oh and cereal...'
'And you did really well, your body needs it,' I answered. 'I'll make you some of your favourite soup at home!'
'Can you eat something too so I'm not the only one eating?'
'Sure, I'll get some biscuits if that's alright,' I replied, hugging him tightly to show him my appreciation. 'I'm really proud of you.'
He giggled softly and then broke the hug, walking further as he smiled brightly. 'But I'm more proud of you.'
'Why?' I asked, genuinely confused.
He abruptly stood still and looked at me in shock. 'What do you mean why? I have a thousand reasons why I'm proud of you! You're clean for six months today, you went to the police to let your dad and your ex get arrested, you moved houses and stood up for yourself about a hundred times.'
'I'm just so sick of being popular. I'm convinced that I never want a romantic or sexual relationship ever again. I just want to have a platonic soulmate which is you,' I smiled, looking at him grabbing my hands.
'I've never felt a deeper and closer bond with anyone next to you,' George answered that. 'Sapnap is a REALLY good friend, but our friendship doesn't beat ours.'
'I'm glad Sapnap is doing good now,' I started. 'It has been hard...'
George nodded with a soft sigh. 'But he has fought really hard, I'm proud of him too.'
Sapnap's father started threatening him a few weeks after he told us what happened. His dad didn't know he told us about it, but Sapnap got so scared that he got really, but actually really, addicted to drugs and pills.
It went so far that he overdosed twice and didn't tell anyone next to me and George. We told him to seek help, but he refused because he was so severely addicted. He started losing weight, stopped eating because he wasn't hungry and threw up daily because he got so nauseous from the drugs.
Eventually he overdosed so badly that I had to call an ambulance. He was immediately admitted to a hospital to pump his stomach. They figured out he had severe damage in his body, including his kidneys, liver and intestines. It was so bad that his kidneys shut down and he needed dialysis for a few weeks so his body could still clean the fluids in his body.
That was the moment for Sapnap to decide he needed help and he declared against his father, then he immediately went to a rehab centre. He went through a really bad, long and painful withdrawal, but got through it and then started trauma therapy when his dad was found and went to jail.
His foster family was there for him every day and they were like an actual family for him after he never had a real family. He regained his life and went back to school, finally being the "real Sapnap". He was how he used to be before any of this happened and appeared to be really sweet next to his mask.
Not only Sapnap's dad got arrested but so did my ex and my father. My ex went to jail for rape, multiple times and with multiple people. Sapnap regretted so much what he did that he eventually declared too and told the police his story. After he did, more boys went to the police. Apparently she raped three boys next to me and Sapnap, at least, that were the story we knew about, but we suspected there to be more.
Right after she went to jail, I went to the police again. That time for my dad. I showed them all my bruises and my scars, they went to the hospital to ask about my bruises and they luckily believed me after my sister also told the story. My father went to jail too and I moved back in with my mother.
She was really sweet. She did everything for me and definitely in the first months, she spoiled me a lot. She prepared my food and always checked if I was feeling alright. I sometimes had nightmares and then she crawled with me in my bed to comfort me for the rest of the night.
Eventually, she sought help for me and I got a therapist that I talked to every week. Talking helped a lot already and I processed the rest of the trauma with help from my mother, George and Sapnap.
George was doing great. I was actually really proud of him and mostly happy for him. George's dad had been working his absolute hardest to get his son and wife more money and eventually got promoted. He got paid so well that they were able to pay for way more.
George could eat whatever he wanted because it wasn't too expensive anymore and he bought some new clothes so he could change clothes a lot. I also gave him some of my hoodies since he liked oversized ones.
He struggled a lot with the image of himself and didn't want to eat for a while. I was there with him every day to make sure he wouldn't starve himself and he understood this wasn't going to help him. He started eating more again and worked on the image he had about himself.
With my help, help from a therapist and eventually also his parents, he started getting a bit more confident. He wasn't the most confident person at all, but he didn't think he was ugly anymore. He was fine with how he looked and tried his hardest to eat "normally" again.
We both completely stopped self harming because we realised it didn't help us at all. We still had scars, but I accepted them as a part of me now. As George once told me, I had those scars because I felt so hopeless but still fought through the pain. It made me proud of myself.
George and I arrived at my place and we walked inside. My mother immediately walked up to me and gave me a tight hug.
'Clay and George! I knew you would come today so I bought chocolate milk, I got cake and I prepared soup for George. His favourite soup! I also put pillows on the couch and blankets since it's a bit cold outside. If your leg hurts, make sure to just put it on the table, George. That's fine!'
I smiled. 'Thank you so much, mom. I love you.'
'I want you to have the best youth possible after what that absolute idiot did to you. I'm trying to make up for the missed time...'
'You did that long ago, mom. It's okay, I love you.'
She nodded happily and ran to the kitchen, putting two cups of chocolate milk, one cup of soup and two pieces of cake down. 'It's fine if you don't want it!'
'Thank you, miss,' George smiled, grabbing the cake too.
I looked at him and sighed softly. 'It was my dream to meet someone like you and I'm so happy you're here with me now.'
'I wished to meet someone like you too. I love you.'
'And I love you more,' I answered, hugging him tightly.
1309 words

Someone Like You
FanfictionClay, the most handsome boy of the school with a cocky attitude who is surrounded by his popular friend group and loads of girls. His life should only be amazing, right? Little did anyone know that the same boy was using makeup on a daily basis to h...