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Cover by: whynotwybie

-Physical/emotional (child) abuse
(Lots of mentions whole chapter)

Clay's POV

Monday 7:40 am
I groaned as my alarm went off for the second time this morning. It made me feel really annoyed already and I breathed out as I hit my hand on top of it so it finally stop beeping. I rolled to my back, looking at my wall in silence.

I lifted my arms up and rested my hands under my head while yawning and then I rubbed my eye with one hand, feeling a sharp pain come up as I remembered what happened yesterday.

'Shit...' I swore. I lifted myself up slowly and put my feet on the floor since I remembered I needed to cover my black eye before going to school.

I stood up slowly and only now realised how much my back hurt. 'Thanks, dad... I appreciate it,' I scoffed as I went to the bathroom.

I walked in and closed the door behind me, looking at my dirty blonde hair that stood in every single direction right now. My eyes went down to my own eyes in the mirror in front of me and I saw my eye became really black overnight.

My eyes scanned my own body, looking at my old shirt that I always slept in, the red and white lines on my wrists and thighs and then just some boxers that I wore at night. I couldn't help but sigh another time and then sat on my knees, realising I wouldn't find any makeup here.

'Ugh, why does she always need to take that?' I asked myself as I grabbed a hoodie and some sweats to walk to my sister's room. I softly knocked on the door and she mumbled something when I opened the door.

'Don't come in my room this early, idiot,' she scoffed as she abruptly turned around and stared at me.

'I need some makeup,' I sighed as I pointed to my eye slowly. 'And I didn't find anything in the bathroom. I'm sorry for bothering you, but I already stood up too late and dad will actually beat me to death.'

She sighed softly and then sat up. 'I'll help. I have work at nine, so I don't have to go soon.'

'Thanks,' I mumbled as I walked after her to the bathroom. 'Is it very obvious that I can barely keep my eye open?'

She shrugged. 'Just make up an excuse. Say you have a headache or anything.'

I nodded and sat down on the bath's edge since I was way taller than my sister. She grabbed her makeup and started covering my eye which caused me to wince and look away.

'Sit still, I can't do anything otherwise.'

'It hurts,' I scoffed. 'Please, be carefully.'

She nodded to that and continued less roughly, gently touching my face to cover my bruises with her makeup. I sat in silence for minutes and she smiled when she was done. 'There, I did anything I could.'

I stood up slowly and looked in the mirror, nodding. 'Thanks, Drista. I'm sorry for waking you up...'

'It's okay, don't worry about it. Do you have PE today? Because he hit your chest pretty hard, didn't he?'

I sighed and lifted my hoodie and shirt, showing her three big bruises. 'I'll just not take these clothes off, they can't force me.'

She nodded and sat back down on her bed. 'I'm going to lay down for a bit longer. Good luck at school today.'

'Thank you,' I mumbled as I sped back to my room, seeing it was already 8:02 am. I felt a shock go through my body when I realised I was twelve minutes later than I used to be.

I quickly grabbed my bag and opened my door, running downstairs to see my dad stand in the living room. His head immediately lifted up as soon as I greeted him shortly and I put my bag down before going to the kitchen.

'Why are you late?' my dad asked with a harsh voice. I heard his footsteps nearing me and I quickly grabbed a slice of bread and an apple, putting it in my lunchbox. I was about to grab a biscuit as my dad grabbed my shoulder, turning me around.

'I asked you something, Clay!' he yelled at me.

'I'm sorry, I stayed in bed for longer than I should have. I will go to school immediately, I have fifteen minutes.'

⚠️ Emotional (child) abuse

I saw him lift his hand and I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for him to slap me. I was surprised when he only squeezed my arm very hard and reopened my eyes slowly.

'You're such a failure,' he sighed, shaking his head. 'I wish there was something in your life you wouldn't have failed in.'

I turned my eyes to the ground when he laughed at me right in my face. 'Why don't you cry like yesterday? You don't think you can just show me a stupid drawing and think I will appreciate you more, right?'

'I spent thirty hours drawing that and you ripped it...' I whispered, looking away.

'Because it was ugly, Clay. I want a son who is manly and doesn't like drawing.'

'Why is drawing not manly?' I tried to defend myself.

He pushed me against the counter and I groaned since it I hit the bruise on my back from yesterday.

'Clay, don't argue with me, okay? You think you're good at drawing, don't you? If you wouldn't have told me that you drew your favourite actor, I would have mistaken it for anything but even a human being.'

'It was not necessary to rip it,' I mumbled. 'I wanted to put it on my wall because I was proud of it.'

'DON'T SHOW IT TO ME THEN!' he screamed.

'I just thought you would be proud of me, I'm sorry.'

⚠️ Physical (child) abuse

He laughed again and then grabbed my shoulders, pushing me to the door. I tripped over my foot and fell down on my knees as he threw my bag full of books to me. It hit my head and my head slammed against the floor. I slowly pushed the bag away, staring at the floor for a few seconds to calm down.

In those few seconds, a very bad headache came up while I tried to lift myself up again, seeing everything turn around me. I sat up slowly and leaned against the wall, seeing my dad walk up to me.

'S-sorry, I'm g-going,' I stuttered as I stood up with my bag, quickly walking off.

1095 words

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