The Ceremony

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Walking into the house of the Madrigal I should've expected the unexpected, I mean after all, Encanto formed by a candle.

"Hello Alma." My grandmother said giving her a soft but tight hug.

After my parents died trying to find something they had discovered beyond the mountains that protected us, they made my grandmother my legal guardian. Now, I wasn't so sure that was going to stick.

"Hello Maria, long time no see. Come in come in!" Alma said opening the door wider.

"Y/n?!" Mirabel said running down the stairs rushing to hug me.

I hugged her, "Hey M." I said laughing.

"Y/n?" Isabela said from a distance, she slowly came down with vines to hold her. Stealing me away from Mirabel with her vines she hugged me tight.

"Hey Isa." I said, trying to breathe from the squeeze.

"Hola!" She said finally releasing me only to let my body be squished by Luisa.

"Hi Luisa." I managed to squeak out.

"Hi y/n." She said still hugging me.

Abuela Madrigal cleared her throat, "Luisa put y/n down, you're squishing her!" She scolded.

"Oops, sorry." Luisa said putting me down gently.

I laughed, "No worries Luisa."

"Y/n?" Dolores said peeking her head out of the corner.

"Hi Dolores." I said waving.

She ran over to hug me, "Have you come to finally stay?"

"Yes indeed I have." I said hugging her back with relief, finally getting a hug without almost getting squeezed to death.

"Y/n!" Antonio said running time, hugging my legs.

"Hey Antonio! You ready to get your gift today?" I said kneeling down to his height.

"Not really, but Mirabel said it was going to be okay so I'm not that nervous anymore." He smiled cutely.

"That's the spirit." I smiled ruffling his hair.

"So, is Camilo just not gonna show up?" I smiled sarcastically, folding my arms.

"He's getting ready for your arrival." Dolores winked.

"I saw him putting in some vanilla shampoo in his hair." Antonio said whispering.

"Oh, interesting." I smiled. Since the last time me and my grandma visited which was right after we left the Encanto because my parents never came back, I've always had this tiny crush for Camilo. Maybe sometimes I felt like he liked me back, but I never wanted to get my hopes up. Especially with the amount of girls who crushed on him in the village, by the time at fame back he would probably be taken. Still, till this very day we are majorly shipped by Isabela and Dolores because Camilo is all awkward if we were ever in the same room.

"Y/n?" Camilo said coming out of the bathroom.

"Hey!" I said hugging him.

"Didn't know you were coming today." He said hugging me back.

I looked at Isabela, Dolores and Mirabel who were looking at each other with that "really?" look.

"Is that vanilla?" I said parting the hug.

He blushed, "Oh- uh yeah. How did you know?"

I looked down at Antonio who was widely smiling, his pure white teeth showing, "Lucky guess." I smiled.

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