The Dark Room

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I felt the beating of my heart speed up faster and it got louder by the second. I wanted it to stop, it was giving me a headache.

I didn't move a muscle as I looked at another me, with the same smile that the cursed people had.

"Who are you?" I had the nerve to say as I got up on my two feet.

The clone laughed, "Well I'm you of course. Just with no flaws."

My eyes followed her as she blended in with the darkness. I looked around the room, trying to find her, but I found nothing just pitch black.

"Like you." She whispered.

I scoffed confidently, "I've heard that one before." I said referring to Carlos telling Camilo the same thing.

"You're nowhere near as good as me y/n.." The voice said.

"I'm good enough for me." I glared at the spot where I heard the voice come from.

"Aww, you're so cute when you're scared." The voice awed.

"I am not scared." I said keeping up with my glare, but on the inside I was freaking out inside. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die.

"Sure, you believe that. But, if you're really not scared then what are you doing in here?" The voice chuckled.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Please, you're only in here for one reason. Because you're..scared." The voice whispered, I could feel her breath on my ear.

I quickly turned around but I saw nothing.

"Well, everyone is scared of something." I shrugged.

"You..y/n. You're not scared of spiders, or of death. You were pretty difficult to figure out.." the voice trailed.

"And?" I asked, intrigued by the voice.

"You're scared of being alone. Abandonment." The voice whispered. Though I couldn't see her, I felt the smirk on her face as she said it.

My eyes widened in realization. I couldn't tell if I was supposed to be scared or still pretend, act to be brave.

"I'm guessing I know you better than you know yourself am I wrong?" The voice said, as the clone came back to view.

"Let's start with don't want to lose him. Probably why you were so jealous of Makenzie in the house huh?" The clone smiled as she slowly walked closer to me.

"That's not true, Camilo can be with whoever he wants." I said, trying to prove the clone wrong.

"Wrong! You want yourself to believe you can live without him, therefore you let him be with Makenzie. But, you just put yourself in more pain, big mistake." The clone smiled before turning back into the dark.

"At least I don't just randomly disappear into the dark." I said annoyed as I started to walk forward.

"You're so fierce y/n! Calm down will you?"

I ignored the voice as I walked to the side of the room, putting out my hands and closing my eyes. I tried to feel the wall and walked forward while trying to keep the touch of the rough texture it had.

"We both know you're here for the cure. So let's get started shall we?" The voice laughed evilly before the room turned into a light green room with dark green smoke coming from the sides.

(Think of the Spider-Man and Mysterio scene)

I covered my mouth, cautious to try and not get poisoned, "What is that!?" I yelled as I heard my muffled voice try to look for the clone.

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