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A/N: Heyyy, I just wanted to let yall know, though you probably noticed, the name of the fic changed like I had been talking about. I got the idea from raccoontrash_ , who commented on the chapter asking for suggestions. Ima be editing this chapter as we speak, adding the actual chapter, but I wanted to get the A/N out here, so yea, cya in a minute!


Bruno couldn't breathe. He couldn't talk, couldn't think. He could only see Y/n sitting next to him. Me? I must have misheard her, there's no way...

And yet he knew he hadn't misheard her.

"M-me?" his voice was small as he spoke, and his face was red.

Y/n had said what she said with utmost calm, but upon seeing Bruno's blush her own face turned just as red. "I- uh- I don't know why I said that- I get it if you don't-"

"No!" Bruno said, more loudly than he had meant to, surprising Y/n and himself. "I- I mean- um-" he stammered, trying to get out the words. "I- think I feel the same way.. BUT uh if that's not what you meant then uh- never mind!" 

Bruno wished he could hide under the bed, or at least under a blanket. He hated how hard it was for him to just say what he meant, but the way Y/n was looking at him.. it made his heart flutter. He moved his own eyes to the blankets. He was so preoccupied in his thoughts, he didn't notice how she was moving closer little by little, until they were close enough for him to feel her breath.

"Er- it's okay if I uh, misunderstood you, I just don't- I don't know, a part of me wants to kiss you and-" 

Bruno was surprised to, a moment later, find a hand on his face, and her lips on his. He closed his eyes, unconsciously pulling her closer. There was no heat in the kiss, just relief. Relief that they had finally found each other, and content that they were safe, together. That kiss held everything they had been hiding from each other, and for once, no family would burst into the room to ruin the moment. No one could take this away from them.

Once Y/n pulled away, they stared at each other, each looking into the other's eyes as though they had finally been given food after weeks of starvation. Both of them were flushed red, and their hands were still touching. 

"I've wanted to do that for so long," murmured Y/n, afraid to break the silence, to lose the moment, but wanting to hear Bruno speak and make sure she hadn't done the wrong thing.

"M-me too," he breathed.

"Y/n? Quit smooching Tio Bruno in there already and let the rest of us have a turn talking to him!" came a voice from outside, one they recognized as Camilo's.

"I- uh- I should go," said Y/n. 

"Yeah.." replied Bruno. 

In truth, both of them wanted to stay as close to the other as they could, just to feel close and safe again, but they weren't ready to face the Madrigals with.. whatever this was yet.

Y/n left the room, and outside she was teased about her red face. In reality, though, everyone thought it was just from Camilo's comment. 

Isabela and Dolores went in next. Y/n was very glad Julieta had restricted visitors to two at a time so Bruno wouldn't freak out after waking up (Antonio was more like a half), and had let her go in alone. She doubted she would have had the courage to kiss Bruno without the reassurance that no one would interrupt.

"Y/n?" said Julieta herself. "Want to help me prepare dinner?"

Oh, right. Bruno had been out almost a whole day. He probably didn't realize that yet, but the knowledge could be passed along by some other visitor.

"Sure," Y/n said, following Julieta to the kitchen.

Time skip

Once dinner was ready and Julieta had decided Bruno could join them (it didn't take her much convincing), everyone gathered around the table.

There was a wonderful lack of secrets that night, as everything had come out and been dealt with after Diego.

All but one, that is. One that only four people knew about.

Y/n and Bruno had kissed. Dolores had heard, of course, and had reluctantly given Isabela her twenty pesos after swearing her to secrecy until they were ready to tell them themselves.

Camilo that night was joking around as usual, but for once the topic of Y/n and Bruno didn't come up. They weren't sure how long that was going to last, but they were happy with it for the moment.

Once dinner was done and cleaned up, everyone gathered once again in the dining hall. Y/n wasn't sure why, but when she asked, Julieta had just smiled and told her that she'd find out.

She knew she wasn't getting any sleep that night as Camilo whipped out Monopoly.

"Game night!!" He declared as he began to set up the board. Everyone chose their pieces, and because of the large family some people had to play in teams. Abuela, Julieta, and Agustin had all decided to go to bed (or try to, apparently the kids could get very loud during this game.)

The teams were assembled like this:

Luisa, Dolores - Wheelbarrow piece

Mirabel, Isabela - Cat piece

Camilo, Antonio - Dog piece

Pepa, Felix - Car piece

Bruno, Y/n - Hat piece

This left a surplus of spots to play, rather than a scarcity, but they had decided that all teams was better than some teams.

Time skip

"2 hours in," muttered Luisa as though she was making a log in a warzone, which she may as well have been.

It was apparently a house rule among the Madrigals that if you left the room after being knocked out of the game, you wouldn't get breakfast in the morning. And so, Luisa, Dolores, Pepa, and Felix were all watching exhaustedly as Mirabel, Isabela, Camilo, Antonio, Bruno, and Y/n screamed at each other.

"I HATE YOU!!!!" shouted Camilo

"Oh yeah?! Well next time DON'T STEAL OUR MONOPOLY," shouted back Y/n.

"Y/n, give Camilo and Antonio two hundred pesos, you landed on their property," tried Mirabel.


"THAT'S NOT HOW YOU-" Camilo took a breath- "PLAYYYY!!"

"Isa, why is Camilo screaming?" said Antonio, he and Bruno being the only ones not raging at the table.

"Shut the frick up Antonio, you don't get to talk after stealing our last railroad," said his older cousin.

"I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN," said Camilo.

"ME TOO," responded Mirabel. 

"YOU THINK I WANTED THIS???" shouted Y/n.


Time skip

Once the game was over (it had ended with Mirabel and Isabela winning and Camilo flipping the table), everyone went to bed. It was late, and everyone's lungs were tired from screaming. 

Without even thinking about it, Y/n followed Bruno to his tower. He didn't say anything, in fact it was all he wanted right now to fall asleep next to her.

Once they got there, neither of them bothered changing into pajamas before flopping down on Bruno's bed and falling asleep, only pausing to turn off the lamp.


A/N: Here's a fluff chapter! Sorry if I faked some of you out with the A/N update, but here's the real thing! I might upload another chapter or two later, so stay tuned!

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