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Sparks from the guns were lightning the twilight view of the massacre. The dusk was coloured reddish orange, combination with the bloodsheds; down on the loam and the sunset; up in the firmament.

The loops of darkness were following the sky to take over the charge so the remaining birds might forget the way to the nest.

But; there was a dreadful silence already prevailed that restrained the birds inside their nests.

People were painted red coloured and were—dead!

All view of my sight.

I didn't fired a single bullet from my gun, as I didn't knew who innocent would be shot down from my gun. Therefore, it remained cold.

A little far away from the massacre, there was a tiny house in the middle of the green field with yellow coloured sunflowers on the top. The troop men were heading towards there as per Gabol's instructions to 'not leave a tiny piece of any human left behind'. I pulled them stunned at their positions as a leader's call I finally made from my mouth and in this way I started 'finally' leading them, in order to find out exactly who the hell those people were.

We dropped down the desks and hided under the shelter we built at our own, as per Miss Anna's instructions.

We were given demos of this 'lock drill' earlier; "It would be helping you to remain safe while any terrorist's troop will attack on you, all you need to do is—listen to your teacher. Am I clear?" Mr. Khalil, our sports instructor told us.

Although we were told we'll be fine if we'll follow the drill instructions; but...

We were hardly twelve or eleven to manage not to be scare!

I stepped into that tiny house alone and instructed the others to check out if there's any trouble in the fields or around it.

The house was barley built. I could still smell the freshly plastered walls of cement. There had hardly some furniture in it. All I could see or focus onto anything was a frame hanging on the wall snapping a tough man combined with a soft yet pretty lady at his left side and two adorable kids in each of their arms, might be twins, as they aged same, perhaps newly born.

"Ah..." A manly groan was coming out of one the small and dark room at my right hand side.

I walked inside the room. A man sized of a huge lion with heavy beard, touching his chest, was all wet in the blood.

He turned his eyes up at me, startled, might cleared his view. I ran to help him. Before I could went closer to aid him, he lifted his index finger up, pointed at the room across the window; "My kkidss" In a broken voice he told me.

I rushed into that room he pointed to. There I found nothing but burning ashes, caused due to the hand bomb one of the troopmen threw earlier.

My eyes were struggling to catch a glimpse of the kids. As I took steps towards the big broken wall I found two tiny little bodies slammed outside in the field.

My eyes got widened.

"I... Did this...?" I sounded obstund.
I felt nausia, I tried to wammit out, but couldn't.

I went out of the massacre I've been a part of, I took steps as I were drunkard. The man now turned his entire face up at me. I nodded negative. He screamed out of pain, both inside and out.

My mouth remained open as I recognized that injured, monstrous face; "You...?"

"Yeah.. Am one of those. But I am.."
Before he could finish I turned my back on him and started walk.

He firmed my feet from the bottom; "Please.. Show some mercy.. Please.." His last words I heard.

"Did you showed mercy on me?" I shouted on him while a drop of saliva fell out from my mouth; "I was scared" My jaws clenched and raged was shooting up in my head; "You have it what you should have."

I wiped few tears from the corner of my eyes, shrikked his hand off my feet and walked away throwing the hand bomb inside the house.

As I walked out, I could feel the heat of fire at my back.

For a moment inside there, I felt that humanity was still inside me, somewhere.

But the very next moment, I felt it'd — gone!

Hey people! Hope you guys are reading but seems like not.. As you guys don't leave me any feedback... Well never mind I still love all of you.



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