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Drive at the hustle roads of Lahore, and more over on M.M.Alam Road when its half past 8, is really a crazy job to be done.

Young people sees its all there roads and so they are allowed to spread over the roads like that of the sky covered with the stars.

"Crazy boys!" I remarked one of the pair of boys on bikes performing one wheeling among the heavy flow of traffic.

What does he knows?

I thought as rubbing my thumb with that of my index finger, resting my left palm at starring wheel and glancing on the concrete road out there.

I pushed park my car in the lot and as I skipped out of the car I knew Raza was in there as his black Altis of latest model with the press tag was parked just a block away from where I'd parked mine.

I clenched my jaws, ran my fingers through my tiny hair and walked through the lot.

As I reached inside the café, I couldn't find Raza anywhere. So I reached in my right hand side pocket and swiped out my phone and as I started dialing Raza's number, a man in the far most, darker corner of the café, gesticulated me to came over and as examined, I came to find it was Raza, so I paced towards him quickly.

My eyes were hooked in Raza's devilish face while I could notice a lady seated at his left side. Raza was a womaniser. And he used to be speak proudly about it.

"Who would wish to be your wife?" I wondered and remarked as I seated to face him on the other side of the table.

"Well! Its never seem when you see, what you see." He smirked and insinuate the lady to go away.

So, she did said a good bye to him and went out of the café.

"Yeah right! Not all the time seeing the things matter, its the things behind the scene that matters." I said fluently.

"Oh I see! so I've seen something that was behind the scene..?" He raised a brow and by narrowing the other, he pushed an envelope towards me.

His eyes were still at me.

I look daggers at him and at the envelope. I wondered what could possibly be in the envelope?

I shift my sight from Raza to the creamy coloured envelope and started open it.

My eyes got widened and my mouth remained open just as the envelope's, as my eyes caught sight of the pictures came out of it.

My heart popped out in my mouth, my breath aberranted from my lungs and I wanted to scream like my soul was getting escape from my body. But I remained still, shuddering inside, out; anyone can examine my quiverness.

I can feel Raza's smirking smile and his wicked eyes on me. I wanted to threw hit the glass in his damn face, though I didn't want any scene to be highlighted in the next Sunday's newspapers.

"You're insane!" I spoke, my tounge remained behind my teeth.

"I always been complained about it, but I can barely handle it." He smirked.

"What you want to show from these pictures?" I asked raising the pictures at his face.

"Oh! these, umh, nothing." He pouted his lips to avoid laugh out louder.

"The picture speaks themselves." He spoke after a tiny pause. "They say you were in Afghanistan, right after that terrifying massacre. And that you did met Khan Bahadur there which means..."

"Which means you were stocking at me?"

"No! I was chasing you." His smile dropped down from his eyes on his face. "Ameena!" His mouth hung openend in air. "She would want to know what were your developments there, won't she?" His words brought a wave of current into my body.

"Why are you doing this?" I shut my eyes harder and stuck open them up to stare at his face. "What do you want from me?"

"You.. What can you give me?" He said. "After snatching all from me..?" His eyes filled with a pang I was acquainted with.

"Raza.." My eyes and tone got soft to my friend, I've lose many years ago, I squeezed his hand, gently, while he flinched his hand away from that of my grip.

"Shut up!" He spoke coldly, having no more emotions in his eyes, neither on his face nor in his entire being.

"Raza, it wasn't my fault, you know this." I urged him, tilting my neck at front, making my eyes to not let flow out on what's gone many years ago.

"You were my.. friend!" His agony spoke out. "And you betray.. your betrayal killed me.. but see.. I am.. so-called alive as my breath didn't went apart from my body." His pang was back in him, floating in his eyes, deep and thick.

"She loved me Raza." I said shaking my neck.

"Shut up, just.. shut up! I told you I loved her, she lived in me, with my soul; I can barely feel any breath but her. But now what I became? A womanizer!" He spoke without a pause. "I'd have nothing, no parents, no family, but you as friend to cheer up with and she; Ameena as all. And you stuck hung me till death."

"No, no, no!" I shook my head back and forth.

"Yes, yes, yes! You damn it!" He raged up.

"What now? What have I to do? To make you feel calm?" I asked widening my eyes at him.

"You've had done with her, let her come to me. Leave her, for me!" He spoke calmly, hooking his eyes in mine.

I could feel the quietness prevailed in the surrounding. And so in my mind and heart

"Your crazy." I whispered.

"No,am not. Its time to repay." He stood up, leaned down at the table to face me. "You knew I loved her, I asked you to walk away, but you didn't. I gave you the best time of your life to stay with the lady you loved, now- its my turn, repay me what you owe me." He declared.

"You've gone crazy, meet me when you'll feel fine." I stood up, caught my keys and turned about.

"You think I am crazy?" He shouted as I walked through. "Look in my damn eyes and tell me if they says I am crazy." He came at front, turned me from pushing my shoulder and pointing with his fingers into his tearing painful eyes. "I've spent a century, alone, just because my best friend betrayed me."

"I didn't." I shouted.

"Oh you damn did it!" He shouted back at me.

I paced towards the door.

"I am not just a womanizer, I am a drunkard as well, visit me sometime leaving Ameena alone in dark, you would see, how thick and terrifying the darkness could be. You coward!" He shouted as I step out of the café.

"I didn't Raza, you were and you are my friend." I whispered myself.

you may not understand the words of the song attach with it down here, try out Google.com for translation.


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