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Directly Dedicated to you seasidestyles

(Translated lyrics)
"No matter what you snatch from me
No matter what I've from thee....

I am the best of today
I am the noticed today...

The evil dies
The virtuos stays...

I am here...!
You.... Whereee"

I thought as if I entered a wrong house.

My ears got widened to hear the song coming out from the large living room.

I stayed outside to find what's going on there?

The crystal chandelier has some image capturing someone jumping on the couch. It..t was Elina...?

I couldn't believed my eyes. I startled over her like I never watch a girl dancing.

Well a bit true! Not in this piece of land, where women remain wrap in a long sheet that covers em from head to toe and when in such place you came to see a such girl out of senses, really breathtaking asset.

I cleared my throat a bit louder to intrude between Elina's activity, as I've to make my way to the bedroom.
Her lips remained apart from each other. She quickly turn off the television, wrapped her in a plain dusty pink coloured long sheet. But the locks— her deep black locks moved my eyes over them.

I gazed at her as if I waited to give a smile over her.

She giggled, looking at me, while her way on, towards her room.


Somehow, my reaction to her was... She's Gabol's daughter.


I slammed the door at her giggly face

She'd probably surprised. Ohshe must be. You're an idiot. What a little girl just of your age has to do with what her father did...? Wha...tttt you did...?

"Stuuuupiddddd" I almost shouted.

My eyes stuck in her beautiful smile. As I walked through the great lawn I could see Elina squeezing one of the beautiful seasonal flower gently from her milky white hands, smelling the fragrance of them and giving them a smile as they would smile her back.

Gabol's daughter.....

Again my nerves took over me, my thoughts and turned my face in an angry teen's face.

I sighed and started rush towards my room.

"Khushamadeed (Welcome)" Elina greet me as I reached back from my coaching class.

I did act as I didn't listens her.
She too, didn't stop me again.

I turned one last time as I reached the doorway of the great hall.

I startled over her as she was a bit far away.

What is this now..? Why...what...she..?
Ughh! I hate her... She's Gabol's daughter... That is it...!

Since then I always noticed Elina and her activities. All what she likes and what dislikes. Her friends, actually a single one in the universe, she used to tell.

I am too young to think of such a thing about a girl. She is just younger to me a twice years. And.... I can't think of a normal life...

And.... She's Gabol's daughter after all.

"Gulrez... Gulrez..."

Someone shouting my new name from a far away.

I placed the rifle onto the table, I was examining. And went out of the camp.

I could see Ali, running from a far away.

He stopped at my face, leaned down and placed his hands to his knees.

Ali was one of my school mates, who, unfortunately here with me, kidnapped.

"Woah woah... Take a breath Ali..." I console d him.

"You won't believe me..." Swallowed his breath he told me.


"You know who I see back there at lakeside...? He's making his way reach here..." He reported me.

"Who...? Ali..." I sighed and turned arount to the camp.

"Uncle Ahmed..." He almost whispered as no one could listen him.

I stupendously dazed. I couldn't believed my ears.

I turned around at Ali's face, grasped his shoulder, squeezed them softly gave him a jerk and asked;

"You mean... Y..ou've seeen mmmy father...? You've seen him...?" My brittle voice could barely completed the question.

"Yessss.... I've seen him..."

"You're not kidding me...right?"

"No, I am not..." He assured me.

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