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3rd Person Pov

In the midst of a fight between the Gremory Peerage and the Cadre Class Fallen Angel Kokabiel a disgraced Bishop Valper Galilei was trying to use fragments of the Holy Sword Excalibur to blow up the city of Kuoh.

As the complex device to accomplish this started to power up something very unexpected happened, suddenly the white light that was being emitted from swords turned red and black, the ground around them also started to tremble and shake causing some of the weaker people present to stumble and fall. The first person to speak was Kokabiel.

"Valper what the hell is going on? That is definitely not suppose to happen, can you fix it?"

The nervous Bishop started frantically trying to fix the procedure he had set up, everyone else realized something went wrong and were preparing for even more trouble. Even if none of them knew what to expect they could all feel that whatever was about to happen was trouble.

As the trembling increased the magic circle started to vibrate so much it sounded like a high pitch whistle, it was so loud everyone was forced to cover their ears.

As the trembling and vibrations hit their peak reality in front of them seemed to crack like glass for a second before someone came tumbling out, then less than a second later the crack was gone and everything was silent.

Everyone watched as the figure with long sky-blue hair wearing almost all black with a small amount of white and gold stood up and brushed themselves off. The person would be described as beautiful if their face wasn't covered by an ornate white mask with some black lines surrounding a red gem in its center.

Everyone watched as they slowly looked around before looking off into space, in reality the person was actually talking to their Ultimate Skill about where they ended up. Unfortunately the masked person was not very happy about what they found out and punched a tree, the tree was torn to splinters in one punch. Everyone present realized this person was not normal, this excited only one person, the crazy fallen angel flying above like he owned the place.

"Who are you supposed to be? Did one of the Maou's send you to keep me busy until they arrive? So be it, you must be strong since you interrupted that ritual. Perhaps you will be better entertainment then these weaklings."

In response the masked figure completely ignored the speaker and started walking away, pretty much everyone was shocked as to what was going on, most of all the fallen who was pissed he was ignored.

"It seems like you are a scaredy pants too, devils are all the same now adays huh. All I want is a good war, after God died everyone has been being a bunch of pussies."

Everyone there was shocked by that revelation accept the mask figure who had no clue what was actually going on and just continued to walk away while discussing the new world he found himself in with his best friend.

Seeing as his provocation to the new figure didn't work Kokabiel decided to take a more direct approach while the mad exorcist Freed fought the devils and holy sword user present.

As the masked figure continued to walk they suddenly stopped, at that moment a light lance flew past them and impaled itself into the ground in from of them.

At that time the Demon Lord turned around and looked at the fallen angel with a blank look, not that is was visible through the mask.

A second later they had a light spear between their fingers right in front of their face, everyone watching was surprised to see the person bare handedly catch it. They then ate the spear in their hands and waited a second.

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