Chapter 1: Dragon God

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Rimuru's Pov

After I ran away from the after-school club I was peacefully walking down the street talking to Raphael.

So that guy I killed was a fallen angel and those high schoolers were devils?

<Yes, the person in the armor was also part dragon and part devil, same thing with one of the boys, the one with the red gauntlet.>

Huh, well if there are dragons here I should be able to find somewhere to release Veldora, it would be good to have a friend in this new world.

It was surprising that the fallen guy's body survived that blast, sure he died but I thought his body would be completely destroyed.

<Upon analyze I found that the one you killed had an extremely durable body compared with what you are used to, assuming that person was not one of the strongest in this world you will need to be careful. Judging from the amount of magicules in the air I think there are many significantly stronger beings here.>

Yes, I also noticed how there were way more magicules in the air, when I was casting those attacks I felt so much stronger than before.

<You are very correct, the last world we were in had approachably 1/1000 of the magicules that our home world had, this world on the other hand has around 1/4th. This does not mean that you are 250 times stronger then back in that planet, but you should be able to use many more abilities before exhausting your power.>

Yeah, I could have gone against that white dude but I really did not want to, he was able to nullify Demon lightning pretty easily and I do not want to get into a difficult fight when I do not know the situation or world. Depending on the extent of what he could do I might not have won either, I would much rather back off.

As Raphael and I kept talking about the basics of this world based on what she found a warning suddenly rang out in my head.


As soon as I heard that I tried to turn around and see what was there but was instantly smashed into the neared wall, that wouldn't really hurt me but as I was getting up I noticed a hole in my chest. I started using [Infinite Regeneration] to heal but it was working slower because of a strange energy, I pulled out my sword and took up a defensive stance and looked for my attacker.

My [Universal Perception] was not picking anything up so I was forced to rely on my actual eyes to look for my attacker.

After a short time my wound as well as my clothing healed, as this happened a short figure walked out from absolutely nowhere.

<Warning: This individual has significant more energy then you, if possible try to avoid direct conflict.>

As the figure got closer I could see a small girl with black hair and black eyes, she had pale skin and long ears. She had a noticeably blank and emotionless face; she is a complete kuudere loli.

I decided to try to start a conversation with her.

"Hello, did I do something to anger you? We can talk this out, I have no hostility towards you."

I could try to get her guard down and launch a surprise attack but judging by that other guys durability and how much stronger she is I doubt I could kill or even do significant damage with a single attack. If I attacked and couldn't kill, well then I would surely die to her. Thankfully she open to dialogue.

"Are you a dragon?"

Her question was simple but hold some kind of emotion that I could not decrypt.

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