Chapter 14: Lux Finalitatis

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(BTW everyone, I'm retconning Engel to Rachel since I like the name better, thanks!)

The fear of the unknown is something shared by every creature, even those without conscious coherent thought are wary of things they have never seen before. All living creatures know that they do not know everything, they also know the things we do not know are often scarier than what we do.

The darkness is a common fear for many creatures, it could be argued that the lack of light is not what causes the fear, but instead the inability to observe what is in it.

The stuff we do not know will always be at the back of our minds, this truth holds even for God.

"Fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all."

- Yvon Chouinard


Rimuru's Pov

It has been a short time since Rachel joined our trio, after a few weeks of her coming to school with me I realized it was not helping very much. She is just as detached and quiet as before, with that in mind I decided to switch up my approach and am currently training her to be an assassin angel.

It is just as cool as it sounds, it took a little while to convince her that it was something she should do since what I will be teaching mostly involves hiding in the darkness and being silent. This kind of goes against the entire modus operandi of the angels, thankfully with Raphael-sensei's help I was able to convince her that using the shadows and implementing not-so-honorable methods to defeat opponents was necessary to defeat enemies that need to be defeated.

During this time I was invited to come to the underworld to watch a rating games tournament taking place between the "young devils" to determine who is the strongest of the current young nobles in devil society.

Since it is a big event I will go with Luminous, I'd imagine it would be pretty boring, at least until Azazael come into my office after hours a few days before it was supposed to take place.

Currently, he and I are sitting down and talking, he seems more observant than almost anyone else I have interacted with here so I should watch what I say.

He was the first one to speak.

"So are you planning on coming to watch these rating games in the Underworld?"

I just lightly nodded.

"It would be rude for me to refuse the invitation I was sent, is there anyone I should keep my eye on for a good match?"

He gave me a smirk and replied

"I expect the Gremory and Astaroth match to get completely out of hand, I highly recommend watching it. Perhaps our new student teacher would be inclined to keep and eye out during it as well."

I see, so he knows something will happen at their match, it is not that unexpected but I wonder why he wants Rachael to get involved.

"And why would you want that? Can I assume you wish to ask something else of me then?"

Sure Rachael has gotten pretty good at killing since I started training, even still she just lacks the raw power to kill the stronger people in this world.

TLDR I am sure she could kill the rank and file, but I imagine whoever the commander is will be too powerful for her at the moment, she does only have 3 pairs of wings after all.

Azazael replied with the same face as before.

"It seems you are quite protective of your little angel; I simply thought it might be good to give her the chance to have real experience. I have heard to basics of where you found her and I think you may underestimate her. Angels were created by God to be his emissaries but whatever happened to her has changed her, made her evolve towards her final shape. It is clear even from her energy that she holds some special type of holy power now."

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