Chapter 6 Luminous Valentine

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Rimuru's Pov

After leaving the room with Ophis I immediately went home to find Veldora pondering something, he is probably thinking about Great Red. I walked over and sat down on the couch taking a deep breath, today was a lot more than I bargained for and somewhat wish I didn't go there. I may have learned a very large amount of information but it also brought a lot of trouble, now I am in the forefront of a conflict between the two strongest existences in this world. As I melted into the soft material Veldora spoke to me.

"Rimuru we need to get much stronger, I won't let that big red weirdo tease me like that, I also need to take back the title a True Dragon that he apparently has. For my honor as a dragon I can't let myself get clowned by that fatty."

He doesn't say it but I am sure he is also thinking about his sister and any other family he has, from what I understand he has always been the wild child, so doing something like this might be his hope to make his family proud of him. Of course Veldora and I are family as well, so naturally I will help him, I decided to talk to him straight.

"Ophis asked me to help kill Great Red, what do you think?"

Veldora turned and looked at me with the most serious look he has ever given me, it was very surprising because of how different it was from normal.

"I think we should Rimuru, I can't help but want that guy to be put in his place, but we must get stronger if we are going to do that."

If he wants to kill Great Red and has a good reason, like he does, for his family and to redeem himself, I will definitely help him.

"Hey Veldora, Ophis also said there is another Demon Lord from our world here, someone named Luminous Valentine, does the name ring a bell?"

Since the more serious stuff was talked about Veldora went back to normal.

"WAHAHA, I think I remember someone named that! I remember burning down their town a few thousand years ago, HAHA their face was so funny!"

After his response I couldn't help but slump down on the cushion next to me, of course Veldora has a history with this women. I shouldn't have expected any less, I will have to make the best of it when I meet her.

With that Veldora and I did what we did most nights, played games for a little, then he went to read and I started talking with Raphael about what we should do. Raphael is a three syllable, maybe I should name her something shorter, well I'll think about that for later, it's not like naming her will do anything crazy.

Since it was the weekend I didn't have work the next day, I decided to text Luminous in the late morning to set up a meeting. I would have called but I would prefer to introduce myself in person instead of over the phone.

To my surprise the address she gave me was in Rome, Italy I wonder why a Demon Lord is so close to the center of the Catholic Church. Thankfully I can fly faster than any plane, after all it is illegal for passenger planes to fly above the speed of sound so only military planes can travel at high speeds.

The place I was supposed to meet Ms. Valentine was a café just a few blocks away from Vatican City, I think she is intentionally so close to the Vatican, I don't know why.

As soon as I arrived at the café I instantly could feel who was the person I was to meet, she was the only one showing an unusual aura. When I walked up to the table and took a seat I saw her look up at me with a smirk.

I have to admit, she was drop dead gorgeous, she had beautiful long silver hair and red and blue heterochromatic eyes, if I was still a man I might have fallen for her on the spot. She was wearing a black gothic dress that made it look like she just came from a funeral, it didn't detract from her beauty though, if anything it contrasted well with her silver hair and pale white skin. She was the first to speak.

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