Chapter 4: 3 Factions Peace Conference

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Rimuru's Pov

The day of the so-called conference was not on a school day so Veldora and I had to sneak in and hide inside, since in Japan instead of teachers having different classes and the students walking around, the students all have the same class and the teachers rotate I do not have an assigned class. On the other hand there are teachers offices that served as the perfect place for us to hide since nobody that should be here is a teacher at the school.

We go there in the morning and had to wait until the evening for anyone else to arrive, it was dark when Veldora and I were able to start sensing large energy sources approaching the school. I was in my normal battle clothes while Veldora was in a black trench coat with a white button-down shirt and loose black tie with black slacks, when I asked he said it was something a protagonist would wear, I guess he isn't wrong.

Since Veldora was still having problems with aura control I had him wearing Shizu's mask, at least for now, if we are exposed I will take it back to try to hide my identity.

The place we were situated was near enough to the conference room they decided to use that with our abilities we could hear them clearly, Veldora didn't really care so he just read a manga while we waited.

During the time we were sitting here the people in the meeting had set up a large barrier around the school and had heavily fortified the school, if this turned into a fight it would be difficult to escape without a fight. If worse comes to worse Veldora could turn into a dragon and break through the barrier since we can't teleport out while inside of this barrier, that would be something of a last resort though.

One thing that was helpful was learning everyone's names, for instance I learned the leader of the Angels is named Michael, the leader of the Fallen Angels is names Azazael, and the leader of the Devils are Rias's brother Sirzechs Lucifer, and the student council president's older sister Serafall Leviathan. The name of the guy with white armor I met my first day here is also named Vali, to be honest he gives me a bad vibe, I feel like I would definitely have to watch my back around him.

After the devils gave a rundown of events that transpired they finally got to the part I was most interested in, the part concerning me. The one to bring it up was Issei, the more I learn about him the more I don't know what to think, is he an idiot or does he just hide himself well? I am leaning more towards idiot but I cannot discount the slight chance he is just playing everyone extremely well. Anyways, he was the one to ask.

"Who was that girl that came in and fried Kokabiel, I bet she is really pretty."

The next person to speak was Azazel who pretended he didn't even hear the latter part of the sentence.

"Yes, I wonder that too, do the devils have a secret new ace in the hole? If this women was able to kill him so handedly they must be extremely strong, I would like you to tell us who they are."

Jumping on the band wagon Michael also enquired.

"From what was reported she bare handedly grabbed a light spear out of the sky and shattered it seamlessly, if a devil can do that I am very interested in this as well. That is not even to mention how they somehow made a supposedly much larger one disappear completely."

Since everyone is assuming the Devil's know me it has put them in an uncomfortable situation since they have no clue who I am, they quickly tried to make that clear as well. Sirzechs was the one to respond.

"We have no clue who this individual is, our current theory is that they were either somehow summoned by whatever Valper and Kokabiel where doing or felt the energy from their ritual and came to them on their own. From the way they appeared uninterested and only fought when attacked we are leaning towards the first idea."

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