Chapter 7: Devils

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Rimuru's Pov

After making plans with Luminous, Veldora and I started the process of moving into the new house we will be living in. I could see Luminous already starting her torment of Veldora, I let it happen so that hopefully he will learn and because it never got out of hand.

The next day school started back up, since I was now living much further away I was thinking I would teleport to school since it would take a long time to walk. Contrary to my belief Luminous seemed to have other ideas though, she brought me to an elegant black car in the driveway of the house.

"I will drop you off and pick you up from school every day in this car, get in, we don't want to be late."

Is she serious?

"You don't have to drive me, I can just teleport into or near the school, I don't want to trouble you unnecessarily."

She just gave me a smirk and proceeded.

"Oh, I insist, this will also introduce me to those devil's so they will understand I am supposedly working under you at the moment. Relax and enjoy, haven't you ever dreamed about being driven around by a beautiful maid?"

To be honest I have never had that specific dream, but I understand what she means, I quickly got into the backseat with my briefcase with teaching materials and graded papers and we set off.

I enjoyed the quiet drive to school, the sound of the engine and wind as we drove was almost therapeutic with how calming it was. When we arrived in front of the school she stopped the car and got out to open up my door, she acts exactly how you would expect a very high-end maid would, is this perhaps her hobby?

Many of the nearby students looked at me with surprise and shock, those that recognized we were probably surprised as to why randomly I got a personal driver that happens to be  a maid. Today I was wearing some rather inconspicuous clothes, but I was still the center of attention as I walked towards the school building.

I was wearing some long light brown pants that hugged my legs tightly with a light blue button-down shirt, above that I had a simple darker blue sweater. It was a simple outfit that wasn't specifically professional but also more than casual. Today I also decided to wear a fake pair of glasses, apparently it makes people think you are smarter and have more composure.

Since I will most likely be meeting the devil's later today having a more approachable appearance will be helpful, I don't want to scare them off or lead them to attack me.

Throughout the day as I was teaching a few people asked me what was going on earlier, I just gave vague responses like "I hired a maid" or "Someone offered to drive me". The devil's had their eyes intent on me whenever I was teaching their classes, after lunch I was in the middle of a lesson when someone knocked on the door and came in. I recognized the boy as Yuuto Kiba, he was in one of my previous classes today so it is strange to see him again, it is probably some kind of devil business then. This was Issei's class so maybe he had something to do with him, as everyone in the class turned to look at him some of the girls started freaking out. Some also started asking to have his children...... I swear high school girls were different when I was in school, maybe there is something in the water.

Pushing the thought of some kind of government distributed aphrodisiac I addressed Kiba.

"What can I do for you Kiba, is it something for your club?"

He gave me a pleasant smile and answered.

"Yes, the President has asked me to pick up Issei Hyoudou and Asia Argento to come with me because we are having a club activity. She also requests that you come as well Rimuru-sensei."

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