Chapter 12: Looking for a new sword

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A note before we begin, this chapter gets pretty dark for a little so if you don't like that stuff be warned.

Rimuru's Pov

It has been some time since the incident with Loki, and things have returned to normal across almost all fronts.

The only thing that has changed is that now I am looking for a new weapon, by talking with Luminous and Veldora I quickly learned none of us are cut out to be blacksmiths. With that knowledge, I decided that finding an already existing sword and soaking it in my aura would be the best plan.

Of course in theory I could ask our esteemed "allies" for something like that but after what I showed against Loki it is doubtful they would be excited to make someone capable of slaying gods even more powerful.

Asking for a favor like that also does not come free, I prefer to not be indebted to anyone because I am sure that my payment would come in the form of something troublesome.

With all this in mind, I asked Luminous and Raphael-sensei to help me gather information and where I could find a missing or stolen sword with a sufficient amount of power.

Currently, I am sitting on the couch in our house talking with Luminous, I am dressed ready to go to school and Luminous is dressed as a maid since we will be going out soon.

"In all honesty Rimuru, the easiest way for you to get a good quality sword would be to do heaven a great service and ask for it in compensation. For one reason or another those angels keep a ton of relics in vaults in heaven and in the church doing nothing but collecting dust."

To Luminous's words, I had to agree, doing a deed first would allow me to not owe them a favor and it would build a repour with the angels and help me gain their trust easier.

Since we were not making any progress I decided this was a good idea.

"Ok sure, do you know anything we can go and do to warrant such a generous reward from them? If I don't do something meaningful it will look like I'm trying to scam or strongarm them."

After this Luminous and I left the house and drove to school while continuing our conversation, thankfully since she was been here for hundreds of years she has a good understanding of the supernatural underworld. It seems even though she took bounties from the Archangels themselves she wasn't one to act to help the angel faction out of the good of her heart, it seems this world has a very dark side as well.

Some of the things she spoke of sounded more like the things I would expect from the last world I was in, the cruelty and immorality so intense that most people would have nightmares.

Who are the cruel and malevolent beings that were perpetrating these acts? Like I would expect, it is humans.

In this world humans are not the strongest or most intelligent race in the world, even their technology cannot compare to the strength of gods and devils.

In the wake of this, it is not a surprise some of the worlds turn to extreme cruelty to try to find the weaknesses of their possible enemies.

Sometimes scientific experiments can be much worse than simple torture, even in my murderous heart, I feel sympathy for what has been happening to some of these angels and fallen angels.

After school I think I will have to go back to killing humans, I genuinely hoped I wouldn't have to do this in another world.


That Night

Once school was finished and night had set I set out with Luminous, I would prefer for Veldora to not see what these humans have done, I would prefer to shelter him from this kind of cruelty.

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