Chapter 15: Dominus Custos

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Luminous' Pov

It seems like the trap by the traitor devils was sprung, now I am watching from afar while he gets close to make sure nothing happens.

I swear he worries about that angel girl too much, she is strong enough from what I see, I guess his soft side toward his subordinates is true about him in this world as well.

Aside from that, this plan was much larger scale than I imagined, there is practically a mini war happening here. I did not believe so many of the Old Satan Faction would attack this game just to try to kill Rias Gremory, she isn't anything special.

I am sure they have some other motivation but it seems they simply do not have much to gain from this in my view.

It isn't that big of a deal though, after all, none of them are big fish so far.

I decided to just watch the fight between the Gremory group and the Astaroth peerage for idle entertainment, that however was a mistake. That weird pervert used some kind of technique to talk to their breasts, he is truly an enemy to all women, I must prevent him from ever touching me at all so that can never happen.

As I watched, however, I realized that Rachel is extremely good at hiding her presence since even I could only sense her some of the time, I'm sure if she keeps training she will be a powerful assassin.

She is also a strange existence; I find it nigh impossible that she didn't fall.

Whatever happened to her no doubt has made her somewhat mentally unstable, it would be troublesome if she got into some trouble.

While all of this happened I noticed Ophis appeared near the head hair Satan and Azazael, I decided I will join them since it doesn't seem like much else will happen.

Once I flew up to them I was greeted politely by the two men.

"Oh, hello Luminous, it seems you are here to talk to Ophis."

"Hello, maid-san."

Ah yes, the pervert and the guy with a maid fetish, are two of the stronger figures in the supernatural community.

I gave them a swift bow before focusing on Ophis.

"It seems you haven't grown yet hmm, you would also be quite cute if you smiled."

The other two seemed surprised but Ophis just took a thinking pose.

"Hmm, so if my body was bigger and I acted like a cute little girl Veldora-Kun would mate with me?"

The devil king looks stupefied while the fallen angel looked like his imagination was already showing him what that would look like.

I simply replied calmly.

"I do not think so, even if you looked like Gabriel herself I doubt that overgrown lizard would mate with you. From what he has said that was the cause of the only ever true death of anyone from his race, I doubt he would risk that just because you look a little sexier."

She looked down but continued to look pretty blank, after a few seconds she looked towards the place the Astaroth guy was fighting the Red Dragon Emperor.

"That angel you found will grow quite strong Luminous, as to be expected of my friend."

When she said that I couldn't help but be flabbergasted, did she just call me her friend?

I mean we have been loose acquaintances for many years, but she is always the "I want my silence" type of person so I never imagined she thought of me as a friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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