Chapter 3: Back to School

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Rimuru's Pov

After enjoying a fun life for a little while I got my job at the school, Kuoh Academy to be precise, I was ready to get some information about this world from these devils.

I decided to wear my black and gray suit I bought earlier as my outfit as I walked quietly to school, thankfully I can still pass for a guy, well kind of. I have a pretty flat appearance so I do not look too much like a girl, at least if I say I am a boy people might believe me.

As I arrived on campus I had to admire the very expensive and large campus, it looked more like a college campus then a high school, I guess this place has some serious money behind it.

In the email the school sent me it told me the specifics of what I will be doing and what to expect, I just need to go to the principal's office to pick up my teachers ID and various other papers.

When I was walking towards the principal's office with the help of Raphael I heard some students talking about my appearance, the things they said are not words I would repeat in public. Most people mistook me for a women though, I guess I can't blame them now that I have such long hair, it just means I have to clarify the truth.

Once I arrived at the place I was supposed to be I knocked and waited, after a few seconds someone opened the door for me, it seemed it was something like a secretary. When I was let in I was gestured to a seat in front of a beautiful wooden desk that must have cost an exorbitant amount, behind it sat a normal looking office worker.

"Hello, my name is Rimuru Tempest, I am supposed to be starting today as a new math teacher."

The man behind the desk was looking at me with a critical gaze, if I was a normal person I would definitely feel self-conscious right now.

"Oh, of course, you just looked younger than I thought you would. Very well, the email should have given you all the basic information you need but here is that information in print as well as some more detailed explanations concerning school rules and the recommended curriculum. Here is your teacher ID card, you will need this to enter any non-student areas like supply closets and the teachers lounge; that should be everything then, good luck."

After handing me a stack of papers I was quickly lead out of the room, well that was weird, it is surprising that I literally said one sentence and now I am a teacher at this school. Whatever, I quickly devoured the papers and had Raphael tell me the important things I needed to know as I leisurely walked towards my classroom.

Thankfully there was still plenty of time before classes start so I could get situated, I will be able to get my lesson plans for the day done easily. I am only teaching geometry, trigonometry, and basic statistics so it will not be very hard. With that done I was ready to tackle the day as a teacher, it shouldn't be very difficult, right?

Well, after my first day I can say that it wasn't difficult per say, more like it was annoying how all the boys where looking at me weirdly and the girls kept looking at me with some kind of proud look, even after I told everyone I was a guy. Teenagers in this world are weird, I will have to learn to ignore their weirdness, especially a few boys I have in one of my classes. I do no think they believed I was a guy.

Throughout the day I noticed a few devils in my classes, there was also the boy that was part devil part dragon, he barley paid attention the entire class. I could also feel other devils in other areas of the school throughout the day, there are a lot more than initially thought. From what I can see there are two groups of them, one that meets in the outskirts of the campus and one that seems to consist of student council members.

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