Chapter 13: The Unknown

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Rimuru's Pov

Since taking Rachel under our wing she has been very stiff, she will help with anything she is asked to but almost never speaks and always has a blank expression. I wonder if she prevented her fall by cutting something off deep within her self. 

Even Veldora's cheery personality hasn't gotten her to open up in any way, thinking the current situation wasn't working I decided to have her become a student teacher in my class.

It is common for university students studying to be teachers to come and help out in a class for a semester for real world experience so it should be fine.

Once that was all sorted out it was time to go to the vaults of heaven the Angel Gariel told me I could choose my reward from. 

It feels a little weird to get such a reward for me doing nothing, I guess I owe Luminous majorly for this. 

I was ready with Luminous at the time Gabriel would arrive, we were dressed well since we were headed to heaven. 

Rachel and Veldora did not really want to come so it is just the two of us.

We were below the Vatican in Rome in a special room where Angels meet with humans typically. 

At the exact time a flash of light appeared, and the beautiful angel Gabriel was before our eyes, I have met her twice and she seems like exactly what you would expect from one of the angels that was closest to God.

After a short introduction she teleported us to a different location, my first impression was that it was beautiful. 

Gabriel soon introduced us to our new surroundings.

"Welcome to the Fourth Heaven, this is where the Garden of Eden is and the tree of Wisdom resides. This is the location of the vault we will retrieve your reward from. You two will be the first two people other than God and his angels to enter it."

As we made our way through the incredible once in a lifetime experience, I just admired the beauty as we walked.

Eventually we arrived at a rock wall with a door made of pure white light.

With a wave of her hand the door dissolved into light particles, and we all made our way inside, Gabriel turned a spoke to us.

"In here are many weapons and artifacts that we have decided to no longer use for a variety of reasons. Some are not holy in nature and some dangerous to wield, this is also where many prototype holy swords reside. Brother Michael wishes for you to take a weapon of your choosing."

As we made our way to explore the vast vault, I saw many interesting and strange weapons. Some were very powerful, and some were not, I found a variety of energies coming from every direction. As I explored, I found something that caught my eye though.

I made my way over to a thin black blade with a silver handle, it didn't have any particularly strong energy coming from it but it was certainly a powerful sword.

As I picked it up, I could feel the amazing craftsmanship, Gabriel's face showed surprise at my choice but I had already decided that this is what I want. 

On the black blade there was a small golden inlay with Latin text, it read as follows.

"Omnibus ignota timet."

With Raphael and my skills, I translated it instantly, translated it means "Everybody fears the unknown"

Regaining her composure Gabriel walked over and spoke.

"That is a blade named "Periculosum" which means dangerous in Latin, it was commissioned by God as a weapon for fighting unknown foes. The weapon was never tested or used but it is said to be neither demonic or holy but carry the to power to slay the strongest foes."

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