Chapter 5: Great Red

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Rimuru's Pov

After Ophis made clear she didn't intend to get into a fight with anyone everyone relaxed, apparently after this Great Red comes she has something to talk to me about as well. I do not have any clue what she wants to talk to me about but I still have to listen, any information is better and I highly doubt she would just kill me or something.

While we waited Veldora turned back into his human form and kept acting like some action hero who just saved the day, to the side I noticed Issei picking up some of Vali's shattered armor, is he taking a trophy from someone else's fight? Honestly that kid is weird, for a while since the fighting stopped he has been looking at various peoples boobs.

I am happy I do not have a large chest because I feel like he would stare at me as well, and I would have to discipline him then. Thankfully it seems like most people's mind are not on my identity though, I guess so much crazy stuff is going on right now that learning who I am is not the most important thing.

After a few minutes the space above the school opened up in a gate type of fashion and a massive 100-meter-long western dragon flew out, he is slightly bigger than Veldora. Everyone other than me, Veldora, and Ophis seemed very uncomfortable in Great Red's vicinity and seemed to want to get out of here but their curiosity got the better of them.

He was still fairly far away since we were on the ground, Veldora spoke to break the silence like usual.

"WAHAHA to think the two strongest dragons here are a horny loli and a fat bastard! HAHAHA I need to get stronger before True Dragons get a bad name!"

After that I saw Ophis send a look at Veldora that said, "I wish I could strangle you right now", on the other hand Great Red slowly started transforming into a human, he had red hair and an amused smirk. Contrary to what said Veldora he had a handsome appearance even though his expression made him seem like someone you would not want to talk to.

He slowly sauntered up to Veldora and put on arm around his neck, his outfit made it look like he was going to the club and his way of walking made it seem like he might be drunk even if he is definitely too powerful to feel the effects of alcohol.

"So your Veldanava's brother? You are like waaaaaaaaaaaay weaker than him, how old even are you?"

"WAHAHA I am over 2,000 years old! You seem pretty strong though, I will have to get much stronger!"

"2,000 and you have this strength, that is pretty good. Don't True Dragons get stronger with age or something? That seems pretty young though, probably why good old Veldanava never told us about you before he left. When the loli told me about you I thought she was crazy, ahahahaha, but you definitely have the same True Dragon Factor!"

I get the strange feeling that these two are more alike than I would feel comfortable with.

"Of course I have a True Dragon Factor, that just proves how strong I am! WAHAHA soon Rimuru and I will be the strongest though, hahaha!"

"You know you should get more powerful so you can get back to 'that' world, I heard you have an ice queen sister, I wouldn't mind meeting her. Ophis always wanted to mate with Veldanava, but once I heard about her I've been thinking she is the one for me. What was her name again, Velzard, I am not sure since she was only mentioned once. When I mentioned it before Veldanava said he will turn me to Stardust before I get the chance, since he is gone now though....."

He started talking about some weird stuff about getting frozen, to be honest this Great Red guy seems like a weirdo. I also noticed Veldora got really stiff at the mention of someone named Velzard, if she is his sister do they not get along? Veldora didn't seem keen on this guy mating with his sister either though.

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