Chapter 10: God of ?????

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Rimuru's Pov

When the time for this meeting to happen arrived Veldora, Luminous, and I went to the Underworld.

Veldora insisted on wearing the same suit with trench coat he wore to the peace conference, Luminous wore the black gothic dress she wore when I met her. Even if she is pretending to be my maid this is the kind of event where she is attending as a member of our group, having her as a maid would just be stupid.

I was wearing my normal battle outfit since I assume something will happen, it is fancy enough as it is.

Since we have only been to the familiar forest in the Underworld we were lead my Sirzechs maid, who is also his wife, Grayfia. She also seemed like an excellent maid as she brought us to the Underworld the night before the meeting and gave us a brief tour of the area the meeting will take place.

Even if I would normally like to sleep like a human does, or at least try to mimic it, since tomorrow is an important event I am staying up think things over and stay vigilant in case anything is going on behind the scenes.

One thing I noticed is that devils seem to be very gaudy, I like our simpler and more modern house much more, my bedroom doesn't have to be the size of a classroom. All the gold is also distracting, having natural or monochromatic is also nicer in my opinion.

While I was thinking I couldn't help but be curious about tomorrow, Odin the lead god from Asgard will be here, this will be my first-time meeting someone with the title of god. I could Ophis and Great Red somewhat different than other gods in this world, I think they are more like extremely strong dragons, the gods more as strong individuals that are worshiped for certain things. I wonder about his strength and personality, would I loss in a fight against a god like I would against the dragon gods? From what I have been told the dragons gods are much stronger but hearing that doesn't tell me real numbers and power.

Once it was the day of the meeting the three of us didn't really do much until it was evening time, dressed in our outfits we made to the meeting hall. To be honest I care absolutely zero about "allying" with Asgard since until these factions that have citizens they are responsible for we are a three-person team, they have to work in the best interest for the people they are responsible.  I plan to fight to get stronger and learn more, I also plan to fight to protect my friends, to be honest I do not really care about the greater devil society or Asgardian people.

When we entered the room I saw all the devils I recognized from school, I guess they are considered very high class in this society so that isn't such a surprise. I also noticed a crater in the wall, I guess there was a small fight earlier?

There were a lot of other devils I did not know in the room, a good amount of them did not seem to serve much purpose. Veldora instantly went to go get drinks and food, he is rather simple to please, I would say that is a good quality though.

I decided to go to where the devil kings were standing with Azazel, they were talking about something that seemed relatively insignificant. Luminous followed slightly behind me, I could tell she was analyzing everything carefully though, when we arrived Azazel was the first to notice me.

"Oh hello Rimuru, it is good to see you and your maid are well. Odin and Michael should be arriving shortly. Why don't you talk with us in the meantime."

"I don't mind."

To be honest it would be pretty anticlimactic if I showed up for like 5 minutes and everything was done, then it would just be a party with a bunch of people I don't particularly know or like. Sirzechs started the conversation.

"It seems like Veldora is enjoying the food and drink, is this not really his thing?"

"Veldora is an intelligent individual, he is just not interested in this kind of thing. If you ask him about anime or manga he will go into an in-depth analysis about character motivations and power scaling though."

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